Cyryl Płotnicki 2f946d6200 Add .vscode
2016-09-11 10:29:13 +02:00

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Asynchronous function queue with adjustable concurrency.
## Why
[Async]( is a big library offering various approaches to dealing with asynchrony; `queue` is a small library offering a single, flexible abstraction.
## How
This module exports a class `Queue` that implements most of the `Array` API. Pass async functions (ones that accept a callback) to an instance's additive array methods. Processing begins when you call `q.start()`.
## Install
`npm install queue`
## Test
`npm test`
`npm run test-browser`
## Example
`npm run example`
``` javascript
var queue = require('queue');
var q = queue();
var results = [];
// add jobs using the Array API
q.push(function(cb) {
function(cb) {
function(cb) {
q.unshift(function(cb) {
q.splice(2, 0, function(cb) {
// use the timeout feature to deal with jobs that
// take too long or forget to execute a callback
q.timeout = 100;
q.on('timeout', function(next, job) {
console.log('job timed out:', job.toString().replace(/\n/g, ''));
q.push(function(cb) {
setTimeout(function() {
console.log('slow job finished');
}, 200);
q.push(function(cb) {
console.log('forgot to execute callback');
// get notified when jobs complete
q.on('success', function(result, job) {
console.log('job finished processing:', job.toString().replace(/\n/g, ''));
// begin processing, get notified on end / failure
q.start(function(err) {
console.log('all done:', results);
## Require
#### `var queue = require('queue')`
## Constructor
#### `var q = queue([opts])`
Where `opts` may contain inital values for:
* `q.concurrency`
* `q.timeout`
## Instance methods
#### `q.start([cb])`
cb, if passed, will be called when the queue empties or when an error occurs.
#### `q.stop()`
Stops the queue. can be resumed with `q.start()`.
#### `q.end([err])`
Stop and empty the queue immediately.
## Instance methods mixed in from `Array`
Mozilla has docs on how these methods work [here](
#### `q.push(element1, ..., elementN)`
#### `q.unshift(element1, ..., elementN)`
#### `q.splice(index , howMany[, element1[, ...[, elementN]]])`
#### `q.pop()`
#### `q.shift()`
#### `q.slice(begin[, end])`
#### `q.reverse()`
#### `q.indexOf(searchElement[, fromIndex])`
#### `q.lastIndexOf(searchElement[, fromIndex])`
## Properties
#### `q.concurrency`
Max number of jobs the queue should process concurrently, defaults to `Infinity`.
#### `q.timeout`
Milliseconds to wait for a job to execute its callback.
#### `q.length`
Jobs pending + jobs to process (readonly).
## Events
#### `q.emit('success', result, job)`
After a job executes its callback.
#### `q.emit('error', err, job)`
After a job passes an error to its callback.
#### `q.emit('timeout', continue, job)`
After `q.timeout` milliseconds have elapsed and a job has not executed its callback.
#### `q.emit('end'[, err])`
After all jobs have been processed
## Releases
The latest stable release is published to [npm]( Abbreviated changelog below:
* [3.1.x](
* Add .npmignore
* [3.0.x](
* Change the default concurrency to `Infinity`
* Allow `q.start()` to accept an optional callback executed on `q.emit('end')`
* [2.x](
* Major api changes / not backwards compatible with 1.x
* [1.x](
* Early prototype
## License
Copyright © 2014 Jesse Tane <>
This work is free. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
terms of the [WTFPL](
No Warranty. The Software is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind, either express or implied, including without limitation any implied warranties of condition, uninterrupted use, merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or non-infringement.