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2016-09-11 10:29:13 +02:00

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* rm - Feb 2011
* ctio.js:
* A simple way to read and write simple ctypes. Of course, as you'll find the
* code isn't as simple as it might appear. The following types are currently
* supported in big and little endian formats:
* uint8_t int8_t
* uint16_t int16_t
* uint32_t int32_t
* float (single precision IEEE 754)
* double (double precision IEEE 754)
* This is designed to work in Node and v8. It may in fact work in other
* Javascript interpreters (that'd be pretty neat), but it hasn't been tested.
* If you find that it does in fact work, that's pretty cool. Try and pass word
* back to the original author.
* Note to the reader: If you're tabstop isn't set to 8, parts of this may look
* weird.
* Numbers in Javascript have a secret: all numbers must be represented with an
* IEEE-754 double. The double has a mantissa with a length of 52 bits with an
* implicit one. Thus the range of integers that can be represented is limited
* to the size of the mantissa, this makes reading and writing 64-bit integers
* difficult, but far from impossible.
* Another side effect of this representation is what happens when you use the
* bitwise operators, i.e. shift left, shift right, and, or, etc. In Javascript,
* each operand and the result is cast to a signed 32-bit number. However, in
* the case of >>> the values are cast to an unsigned number.
* A reminder on endian related issues:
* Big Endian: MSB -> First byte
* Little Endian: MSB->Last byte
var mod_assert = require('assert');
* An 8 bit unsigned integer involves doing no significant work.
function ruint8(buffer, endian, offset)
if (endian === undefined)
throw (new Error('missing endian'));
if (buffer === undefined)
throw (new Error('missing buffer'));
if (offset === undefined)
throw (new Error('missing offset'));
if (offset >= buffer.length)
throw (new Error('Trying to read beyond buffer length'));
return (buffer[offset]);
* For 16 bit unsigned numbers we can do all the casting that we want to do.
function rgint16(buffer, endian, offset)
var val = 0;
if (endian == 'big') {
val = buffer[offset] << 8;
val |= buffer[offset+1];
} else {
val = buffer[offset];
val |= buffer[offset+1] << 8;
return (val);
function ruint16(buffer, endian, offset)
if (endian === undefined)
throw (new Error('missing endian'));
if (buffer === undefined)
throw (new Error('missing buffer'));
if (offset === undefined)
throw (new Error('missing offset'));
if (offset + 1 >= buffer.length)
throw (new Error('Trying to read beyond buffer length'));
return (rgint16(buffer, endian, offset));
* Because most bitshifting is done using signed numbers, if we would go into
* the realm where we use that 32nd bit, we'll end up going into the negative
* range. i.e.:
* > 200 << 24
* -939524096
* Not the value you'd expect. To work around this, we end up having to do some
* abuse of the JavaScript standard. in this case, we know that a >>> shift is
* defined to cast our value to an *unsigned* 32-bit number. Because of that, we
* use that instead to save us some additional math, though it does feel a
* little weird and it isn't obvious as to why you woul dwant to do this at
* first.
function rgint32(buffer, endian, offset)
var val = 0;
if (endian == 'big') {
val = buffer[offset+1] << 16;
val |= buffer[offset+2] << 8;
val |= buffer[offset+3];
val = val + (buffer[offset] << 24 >>> 0);
} else {
val = buffer[offset+2] << 16;
val |= buffer[offset+1] << 8;
val |= buffer[offset];
val = val + (buffer[offset + 3] << 24 >>> 0);
return (val);
function ruint32(buffer, endian, offset)
if (endian === undefined)
throw (new Error('missing endian'));
if (buffer === undefined)
throw (new Error('missing buffer'));
if (offset === undefined)
throw (new Error('missing offset'));
if (offset + 3 >= buffer.length)
throw (new Error('Trying to read beyond buffer length'));
return (rgint32(buffer, endian, offset));
* Reads a 64-bit unsigned number. The astue observer will note that this
* doesn't quite work. Javascript has chosen to only have numbers that can be
* represented by a double. A double only has 52 bits of mantissa with an
* implicit 1, thus we have up to 53 bits to represent an integer. However, 2^53
* doesn't quite give us what we want. Isn't 53 bits enough for anyone? What
* could you have possibly wanted to represent that was larger than that? Oh,
* maybe a size? You mean we bypassed the 4 GB limit on file sizes, when did
* that happen?
* To get around this egregious language issue, we're going to instead construct
* an array of two 32 bit unsigned integers. Where arr[0] << 32 + arr[1] would
* give the actual number. However, note that the above code probably won't
* produce the desired results because of the way Javascript numbers are
* doubles.
function rgint64(buffer, endian, offset)
var val = new Array(2);
if (endian == 'big') {
val[0] = ruint32(buffer, endian, offset);
val[1] = ruint32(buffer, endian, offset+4);
} else {
val[0] = ruint32(buffer, endian, offset+4);
val[1] = ruint32(buffer, endian, offset);
return (val);
function ruint64(buffer, endian, offset)
if (endian === undefined)
throw (new Error('missing endian'));
if (buffer === undefined)
throw (new Error('missing buffer'));
if (offset === undefined)
throw (new Error('missing offset'));
if (offset + 7 >= buffer.length)
throw (new Error('Trying to read beyond buffer length'));
return (rgint64(buffer, endian, offset));
* Signed integer types, yay team! A reminder on how two's complement actually
* works. The first bit is the signed bit, i.e. tells us whether or not the
* number should be positive or negative. If the two's complement value is
* positive, then we're done, as it's equivalent to the unsigned representation.
* Now if the number is positive, you're pretty much done, you can just leverage
* the unsigned translations and return those. Unfortunately, negative numbers
* aren't quite that straightforward.
* At first glance, one might be inclined to use the traditional formula to
* translate binary numbers between the positive and negative values in two's
* complement. (Though it doesn't quite work for the most negative value)
* Mainly:
* - invert all the bits
* - add one to the result
* Of course, this doesn't quite work in Javascript. Take for example the value
* of -128. This could be represented in 16 bits (big-endian) as 0xff80. But of
* course, Javascript will do the following:
* > ~0xff80
* -65409
* Whoh there, Javascript, that's not quite right. But wait, according to
* Javascript that's perfectly correct. When Javascript ends up seeing the
* constant 0xff80, it has no notion that it is actually a signed number. It
* assumes that we've input the unsigned value 0xff80. Thus, when it does the
* binary negation, it casts it into a signed value, (positive 0xff80). Then
* when you perform binary negation on that, it turns it into a negative number.
* Instead, we're going to have to use the following general formula, that works
* in a rather Javascript friendly way. I'm glad we don't support this kind of
* weird numbering scheme in the kernel.
* (BIT-MAX - (unsigned)val + 1) * -1
* The astute observer, may think that this doesn't make sense for 8-bit numbers
* (really it isn't necessary for them). However, when you get 16-bit numbers,
* you do. Let's go back to our prior example and see how this will look:
* (0xffff - 0xff80 + 1) * -1
* (0x007f + 1) * -1
* (0x0080) * -1
* Doing it this way ends up allowing us to treat it appropriately in
* Javascript. Sigh, that's really quite ugly for what should just be a few bit
* shifts, ~ and &.
* Endianness doesn't matter for 8-bit signed values. We could in fact optimize
* this case because the more traditional methods work, but for consistency,
* we'll keep doing this the same way.
function rsint8(buffer, endian, offset)
var neg;
if (endian === undefined)
throw (new Error('missing endian'));
if (buffer === undefined)
throw (new Error('missing buffer'));
if (offset === undefined)
throw (new Error('missing offset'));
if (offset >= buffer.length)
throw (new Error('Trying to read beyond buffer length'));
neg = buffer[offset] & 0x80;
if (!neg)
return (buffer[offset]);
return ((0xff - buffer[offset] + 1) * -1);
* The 16-bit version requires a bit more effort. In this case, we can leverage
* our unsigned code to generate the value we want to return.
function rsint16(buffer, endian, offset)
var neg, val;
if (endian === undefined)
throw (new Error('missing endian'));
if (buffer === undefined)
throw (new Error('missing buffer'));
if (offset === undefined)
throw (new Error('missing offset'));
if (offset + 1 >= buffer.length)
throw (new Error('Trying to read beyond buffer length'));
val = rgint16(buffer, endian, offset);
neg = val & 0x8000;
if (!neg)
return (val);
return ((0xffff - val + 1) * -1);
* We really shouldn't leverage our 32-bit code here and instead utilize the
* fact that we know that since these are signed numbers, we can do all the
* shifting and binary anding to generate the 32-bit number. But, for
* consistency we'll do the same. If we want to do otherwise, we should instead
* make the 32 bit unsigned code do the optimization. But as long as there
* aren't floats secretly under the hood for that, we /should/ be okay.
function rsint32(buffer, endian, offset)
var neg, val;
if (endian === undefined)
throw (new Error('missing endian'));
if (buffer === undefined)
throw (new Error('missing buffer'));
if (offset === undefined)
throw (new Error('missing offset'));
if (offset + 3 >= buffer.length)
throw (new Error('Trying to read beyond buffer length'));
val = rgint32(buffer, endian, offset);
neg = val & 0x80000000;
if (!neg)
return (val);
return ((0xffffffff - val + 1) * -1);
* The signed version of this code suffers from all of the same problems of the
* other 64 bit version.
function rsint64(buffer, endian, offset)
var neg, val;
if (endian === undefined)
throw (new Error('missing endian'));
if (buffer === undefined)
throw (new Error('missing buffer'));
if (offset === undefined)
throw (new Error('missing offset'));
if (offset + 3 >= buffer.length)
throw (new Error('Trying to read beyond buffer length'));
val = rgint64(buffer, endian, offset);
neg = val[0] & 0x80000000;
if (!neg)
return (val);
val[0] = (0xffffffff - val[0]) * -1;
val[1] = (0xffffffff - val[1] + 1) * -1;
* If we had the key 0x8000000000000000, that would leave the lower 32
* bits as 0xffffffff, however, since we're goint to add one, that would
* actually leave the lower 32-bits as 0x100000000, which would break
* our ability to write back a value that we received. To work around
* this, if we actually get that value, we're going to bump the upper
* portion by 1 and set this to zero.
mod_assert.ok(val[1] <= 0x100000000);
if (val[1] == -0x100000000) {
val[1] = 0;
return (val);
* We now move onto IEEE 754: The traditional form for floating point numbers
* and what is secretly hiding at the heart of everything in this. I really hope
* that someone is actually using this, as otherwise, this effort is probably
* going to be more wasted.
* One might be tempted to use parseFloat here, but that wouldn't work at all
* for several reasons. Mostly due to the way floats actually work, and
* parseFloat only actually works in base 10. I don't see base 10 anywhere near
* this file.
* In this case we'll implement the single and double precision versions. The
* quadruple precision, while probably useful, wouldn't really be accepted by
* Javascript, so let's not even waste our time.
* So let's review how this format looks like. A single precision value is 32
* bits and has three parts:
* - Sign bit
* - Exponent (Using bias notation)
* - Mantissa
* |s|eeeeeeee|mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm|
* 31| 30-23 | 22 - 0 |
* The exponent is stored in a biased input. The bias in this case 127.
* Therefore, our exponent is equal to the 8-bit value - 127.
* By default, a number is normalized in IEEE, that means that the mantissa has
* an implicit one that we don't see. So really the value stored is 1.m.
* However, if the exponent is all zeros, then instead we have to shift
* everything to the right one and there is no more implicit one.
* Special values:
* - Positive Infinity:
* Sign: 0
* Exponent: All 1s
* Mantissa: 0
* - Negative Infinity:
* Sign: 1
* Exponent: All 1s
* Mantissa: 0
* - NaN:
* Sign: *
* Exponent: All 1s
* Mantissa: non-zero
* - Zero:
* Sign: *
* Exponent: All 0s
* Mantissa: 0
* In the case of zero, the sign bit determines whether we get a positive or
* negative zero. However, since Javascript cannot determine the difference
* between the two: i.e. -0 == 0, we just always return 0.
function rfloat(buffer, endian, offset)
var bytes = [];
var sign, exponent, mantissa, val;
var bias = 127;
var maxexp = 0xff;
if (endian === undefined)
throw (new Error('missing endian'));
if (buffer === undefined)
throw (new Error('missing buffer'));
if (offset === undefined)
throw (new Error('missing offset'));
if (offset + 3 >= buffer.length)
throw (new Error('Trying to read beyond buffer length'));
/* Normalize the bytes to be in endian order */
if (endian == 'big') {
bytes[0] = buffer[offset];
bytes[1] = buffer[offset+1];
bytes[2] = buffer[offset+2];
bytes[3] = buffer[offset+3];
} else {
bytes[3] = buffer[offset];
bytes[2] = buffer[offset+1];
bytes[1] = buffer[offset+2];
bytes[0] = buffer[offset+3];
sign = bytes[0] & 0x80;
exponent = (bytes[0] & 0x7f) << 1;
exponent |= (bytes[1] & 0x80) >>> 7;
mantissa = (bytes[1] & 0x7f) << 16;
mantissa |= bytes[2] << 8;
mantissa |= bytes[3];
/* Check for special cases before we do general parsing */
if (!sign && exponent == maxexp && mantissa === 0)
return (Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY);
if (sign && exponent == maxexp && mantissa === 0)
return (Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY);
if (exponent == maxexp && mantissa !== 0)
return (Number.NaN);
* Javascript really doesn't have support for positive or negative zero.
* So we're not going to try and give it to you. That would be just
* plain weird. Besides -0 == 0.
if (exponent === 0 && mantissa === 0)
return (0);
* Now we can deal with the bias and the determine whether the mantissa
* has the implicit one or not.
exponent -= bias;
if (exponent == -bias) {
val = 0;
} else {
val = 1;
val = (val + mantissa * Math.pow(2, -23)) * Math.pow(2, exponent);
if (sign)
val *= -1;
return (val);
* Doubles in IEEE 754 are like their brothers except for a few changes and
* increases in size:
* - The exponent is now 11 bits
* - The mantissa is now 52 bits
* - The bias is now 1023
* |s|eeeeeeeeeee|mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm|
* 63| 62 - 52 | 51 - 0 |
* 63| 62 - 52 | 51 - 0 |
* While the size has increased a fair amount, we're going to end up keeping the
* same general formula for calculating the final value. As a reminder, this
* formula is:
* (-1)^s * (n + m) * 2^(e-b)
* Where:
* s is the sign bit
* n is (exponent > 0) ? 1 : 0 -- Determines whether we're normalized
* or not
* m is the mantissa
* e is the exponent specified
* b is the bias for the exponent
function rdouble(buffer, endian, offset)
var bytes = [];
var sign, exponent, mantissa, val, lowmant;
var bias = 1023;
var maxexp = 0x7ff;
if (endian === undefined)
throw (new Error('missing endian'));
if (buffer === undefined)
throw (new Error('missing buffer'));
if (offset === undefined)
throw (new Error('missing offset'));
if (offset + 7 >= buffer.length)
throw (new Error('Trying to read beyond buffer length'));
/* Normalize the bytes to be in endian order */
if (endian == 'big') {
bytes[0] = buffer[offset];
bytes[1] = buffer[offset+1];
bytes[2] = buffer[offset+2];
bytes[3] = buffer[offset+3];
bytes[4] = buffer[offset+4];
bytes[5] = buffer[offset+5];
bytes[6] = buffer[offset+6];
bytes[7] = buffer[offset+7];
} else {
bytes[7] = buffer[offset];
bytes[6] = buffer[offset+1];
bytes[5] = buffer[offset+2];
bytes[4] = buffer[offset+3];
bytes[3] = buffer[offset+4];
bytes[2] = buffer[offset+5];
bytes[1] = buffer[offset+6];
bytes[0] = buffer[offset+7];
* We can construct the exponent and mantissa the same way as we did in
* the case of a float, just increase the range of the exponent.
sign = bytes[0] & 0x80;
exponent = (bytes[0] & 0x7f) << 4;
exponent |= (bytes[1] & 0xf0) >>> 4;
* This is going to be ugly but then again, we're dealing with IEEE 754.
* This could probably be done as a node add on in a few lines of C++,
* but oh we'll, we've made it this far so let's be native the rest of
* the way...
* What we're going to do is break the mantissa into two parts, the
* lower 24 bits and the upper 28 bits. We'll multiply the upper 28 bits
* by the appropriate power and then add in the lower 24-bits. Not
* really that great. It's pretty much a giant kludge to deal with
* Javascript eccentricities around numbers.
lowmant = bytes[7];
lowmant |= bytes[6] << 8;
lowmant |= bytes[5] << 16;
mantissa = bytes[4];
mantissa |= bytes[3] << 8;
mantissa |= bytes[2] << 16;
mantissa |= (bytes[1] & 0x0f) << 24;
mantissa *= Math.pow(2, 24); /* Equivalent to << 24, but JS compat */
mantissa += lowmant;
/* Check for special cases before we do general parsing */
if (!sign && exponent == maxexp && mantissa === 0)
return (Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY);
if (sign && exponent == maxexp && mantissa === 0)
return (Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY);
if (exponent == maxexp && mantissa !== 0)
return (Number.NaN);
* Javascript really doesn't have support for positive or negative zero.
* So we're not going to try and give it to you. That would be just
* plain weird. Besides -0 == 0.
if (exponent === 0 && mantissa === 0)
return (0);
* Now we can deal with the bias and the determine whether the mantissa
* has the implicit one or not.
exponent -= bias;
if (exponent == -bias) {
val = 0;
} else {
val = 1;
val = (val + mantissa * Math.pow(2, -52)) * Math.pow(2, exponent);
if (sign)
val *= -1;
return (val);
* Now that we have gone through the pain of reading the individual types, we're
* probably going to want some way to write these back. None of this is going to
* be good. But since we have Javascript numbers this should certainly be more
* interesting. Though we can constrain this end a little bit more in what is
* valid. For now, let's go back to our friends the unsigned value.
* Unsigned numbers seem deceptively easy. Here are the general steps and rules
* that we are going to take:
* - If the number is negative, throw an Error
* - Truncate any floating point portion
* - Take the modulus of the number in our base
* - Write it out to the buffer in the endian format requested at the offset
* We have to make sure that the value is a valid integer. This means that it is
* non-negative. It has no fractional component and that it does not exceed the
* maximum allowed value.
* value The number to check for validity
* max The maximum value
function prepuint(value, max)
if (typeof (value) != 'number')
throw (new (Error('cannot write a non-number as a number')));
if (value < 0)
throw (new Error('specified a negative value for writing an ' +
'unsigned value'));
if (value > max)
throw (new Error('value is larger than maximum value for ' +
if (Math.floor(value) !== value)
throw (new Error('value has a fractional component'));
return (value);
* 8-bit version, classy. We can ignore endianness which is good.
function wuint8(value, endian, buffer, offset)
var val;
if (value === undefined)
throw (new Error('missing value'));
if (endian === undefined)
throw (new Error('missing endian'));
if (buffer === undefined)
throw (new Error('missing buffer'));
if (offset === undefined)
throw (new Error('missing offset'));
if (offset >= buffer.length)
throw (new Error('Trying to read beyond buffer length'));
val = prepuint(value, 0xff);
buffer[offset] = val;
* Pretty much the same as the 8-bit version, just this time we need to worry
* about endian related issues.
function wgint16(val, endian, buffer, offset)
if (endian == 'big') {
buffer[offset] = (val & 0xff00) >>> 8;
buffer[offset+1] = val & 0x00ff;
} else {
buffer[offset+1] = (val & 0xff00) >>> 8;
buffer[offset] = val & 0x00ff;
function wuint16(value, endian, buffer, offset)
var val;
if (value === undefined)
throw (new Error('missing value'));
if (endian === undefined)
throw (new Error('missing endian'));
if (buffer === undefined)
throw (new Error('missing buffer'));
if (offset === undefined)
throw (new Error('missing offset'));
if (offset + 1 >= buffer.length)
throw (new Error('Trying to read beyond buffer length'));
val = prepuint(value, 0xffff);
wgint16(val, endian, buffer, offset);
* The 32-bit version is going to have to be a little different unfortunately.
* We can't quite bitshift to get the largest byte, because that would end up
* getting us caught by the signed values.
* And yes, we do want to subtract out the lower part by default. This means
* that when we do the division, it will be treated as a bit shift and we won't
* end up generating a floating point value. If we did generate a floating point
* value we'd have to truncate it intelligently, this saves us that problem and
* may even be somewhat faster under the hood.
function wgint32(val, endian, buffer, offset)
if (endian == 'big') {
buffer[offset] = (val - (val & 0x00ffffff)) / Math.pow(2, 24);
buffer[offset+1] = (val >>> 16) & 0xff;
buffer[offset+2] = (val >>> 8) & 0xff;
buffer[offset+3] = val & 0xff;
} else {
buffer[offset+3] = (val - (val & 0x00ffffff)) /
Math.pow(2, 24);
buffer[offset+2] = (val >>> 16) & 0xff;
buffer[offset+1] = (val >>> 8) & 0xff;
buffer[offset] = val & 0xff;
function wuint32(value, endian, buffer, offset)
var val;
if (value === undefined)
throw (new Error('missing value'));
if (endian === undefined)
throw (new Error('missing endian'));
if (buffer === undefined)
throw (new Error('missing buffer'));
if (offset === undefined)
throw (new Error('missing offset'));
if (offset + 3 >= buffer.length)
throw (new Error('Trying to read beyond buffer length'));
val = prepuint(value, 0xffffffff);
wgint32(val, endian, buffer, offset);
* Unlike the other versions, we expect the value to be in the form of two
* arrays where value[0] << 32 + value[1] would result in the value that we
* want.
function wgint64(value, endian, buffer, offset)
if (endian == 'big') {
wgint32(value[0], endian, buffer, offset);
wgint32(value[1], endian, buffer, offset+4);
} else {
wgint32(value[0], endian, buffer, offset+4);
wgint32(value[1], endian, buffer, offset);
function wuint64(value, endian, buffer, offset)
if (value === undefined)
throw (new Error('missing value'));
if (!(value instanceof Array))
throw (new Error('value must be an array'));
if (value.length != 2)
throw (new Error('value must be an array of length 2'));
if (endian === undefined)
throw (new Error('missing endian'));
if (buffer === undefined)
throw (new Error('missing buffer'));
if (offset === undefined)
throw (new Error('missing offset'));
if (offset + 7 >= buffer.length)
throw (new Error('Trying to read beyond buffer length'));
prepuint(value[0], 0xffffffff);
prepuint(value[1], 0xffffffff);
wgint64(value, endian, buffer, offset);
* We now move onto our friends in the signed number category. Unlike unsigned
* numbers, we're going to have to worry a bit more about how we put values into
* arrays. Since we are only worrying about signed 32-bit values, we're in
* slightly better shape. Unfortunately, we really can't do our favorite binary
* & in this system. It really seems to do the wrong thing. For example:
* > -32 & 0xff
* 224
* What's happening above is really: 0xe0 & 0xff = 0xe0. However, the results of
* this aren't treated as a signed number. Ultimately a bad thing.
* What we're going to want to do is basically create the unsigned equivalent of
* our representation and pass that off to the wuint* functions. To do that
* we're going to do the following:
* - if the value is positive
* we can pass it directly off to the equivalent wuint
* - if the value is negative
* we do the following computation:
* mb + val + 1, where
* mb is the maximum unsigned value in that byte size
* val is the Javascript negative integer
* As a concrete value, take -128. In signed 16 bits this would be 0xff80. If
* you do out the computations:
* 0xffff - 128 + 1
* 0xffff - 127
* 0xff80
* You can then encode this value as the signed version. This is really rather
* hacky, but it should work and get the job done which is our goal here.
* Thus the overall flow is:
* - Truncate the floating point part of the number
* - We don't have to take the modulus, because the unsigned versions will
* take care of that for us. And we don't have to worry about that
* potentially causing bad things to happen because of sign extension
* - Pass it off to the appropriate unsigned version, potentially modifying
* the negative portions as necessary.
* A series of checks to make sure we actually have a signed 32-bit number
function prepsint(value, max, min)
if (typeof (value) != 'number')
throw (new (Error('cannot write a non-number as a number')));
if (value > max)
throw (new Error('value larger than maximum allowed value'));
if (value < min)
throw (new Error('value smaller than minimum allowed value'));
if (Math.floor(value) !== value)
throw (new Error('value has a fractional component'));
return (value);
* The 8-bit version of the signed value. Overall, fairly straightforward.
function wsint8(value, endian, buffer, offset)
var val;
if (value === undefined)
throw (new Error('missing value'));
if (endian === undefined)
throw (new Error('missing endian'));
if (buffer === undefined)
throw (new Error('missing buffer'));
if (offset === undefined)
throw (new Error('missing offset'));
if (offset >= buffer.length)
throw (new Error('Trying to read beyond buffer length'));
val = prepsint(value, 0x7f, -0x80);
if (val >= 0)
wuint8(val, endian, buffer, offset);
wuint8(0xff + val + 1, endian, buffer, offset);
* The 16-bit version of the signed value. Also, fairly straightforward.
function wsint16(value, endian, buffer, offset)
var val;
if (value === undefined)
throw (new Error('missing value'));
if (endian === undefined)
throw (new Error('missing endian'));
if (buffer === undefined)
throw (new Error('missing buffer'));
if (offset === undefined)
throw (new Error('missing offset'));
if (offset + 1 >= buffer.length)
throw (new Error('Trying to read beyond buffer length'));
val = prepsint(value, 0x7fff, -0x8000);
if (val >= 0)
wgint16(val, endian, buffer, offset);
wgint16(0xffff + val + 1, endian, buffer, offset);
* We can do this relatively easily by leveraging the code used for 32-bit
* unsigned code.
function wsint32(value, endian, buffer, offset)
var val;
if (value === undefined)
throw (new Error('missing value'));
if (endian === undefined)
throw (new Error('missing endian'));
if (buffer === undefined)
throw (new Error('missing buffer'));
if (offset === undefined)
throw (new Error('missing offset'));
if (offset + 3 >= buffer.length)
throw (new Error('Trying to read beyond buffer length'));
val = prepsint(value, 0x7fffffff, -0x80000000);
if (val >= 0)
wgint32(val, endian, buffer, offset);
wgint32(0xffffffff + val + 1, endian, buffer, offset);
* The signed 64 bit integer should by in the same format as when received.
* Mainly it should ensure that the value is an array of two integers where
* value[0] << 32 + value[1] is the desired number. Furthermore, the two values
* need to be equal.
function wsint64(value, endian, buffer, offset)
var vzpos, vopos;
var vals = new Array(2);
if (value === undefined)
throw (new Error('missing value'));
if (!(value instanceof Array))
throw (new Error('value must be an array'));
if (value.length != 2)
throw (new Error('value must be an array of length 2'));
if (endian === undefined)
throw (new Error('missing endian'));
if (buffer === undefined)
throw (new Error('missing buffer'));
if (offset === undefined)
throw (new Error('missing offset'));
if (offset + 7 >= buffer.length)
throw (new Error('Trying to read beyond buffer length'));
* We need to make sure that we have the same sign on both values. The
* hokiest way to to do this is to multiply the number by +inf. If we do
* this, we'll get either +/-inf depending on the sign of the value.
* Once we have this, we can compare it to +inf to see if the number is
* positive or not.
vzpos = (value[0] * Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY) ==
vopos = (value[1] * Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY) ==
* If either of these is zero, then we don't actually need this check.
if (value[0] != 0 && value[1] != 0 && vzpos != vopos)
throw (new Error('Both entries in the array must have ' +
'the same sign'));
* Doing verification for a signed 64-bit integer is actually a big
* trickier than it appears. We can't quite use our standard techniques
* because we need to compare both sets of values. The first value is
* pretty straightforward. If the first value is beond the extremes than
* we error out. However, the valid range of the second value varies
* based on the first one. If the first value is negative, and *not* the
* largest negative value, than it can be any integer within the range [
* 0, 0xffffffff ]. If it is the largest negative number, it must be
* zero.
* If the first number is positive, than it doesn't matter what the
* value is. We just simply have to make sure we have a valid positive
* integer.
if (vzpos) {
prepuint(value[0], 0x7fffffff);
prepuint(value[1], 0xffffffff);
} else {
prepsint(value[0], 0, -0x80000000);
prepsint(value[1], 0, -0xffffffff);
if (value[0] == -0x80000000 && value[1] != 0)
throw (new Error('value smaller than minimum ' +
'allowed value'));
/* Fix negative numbers */
if (value[0] < 0 || value[1] < 0) {
vals[0] = 0xffffffff - Math.abs(value[0]);
vals[1] = 0x100000000 - Math.abs(value[1]);
if (vals[1] == 0x100000000) {
vals[1] = 0;
} else {
vals[0] = value[0];
vals[1] = value[1];
wgint64(vals, endian, buffer, offset);
* Now we are moving onto the weirder of these, the float and double. For this
* we're going to just have to do something that's pretty weird. First off, we
* have no way to get at the underlying float representation, at least not
* easily. But that doesn't mean we can't figure it out, we just have to use our
* heads.
* One might propose to use Number.toString(2). Of course, this is not really
* that good, because the ECMAScript 262 v3 Standard says the following Section
* (radix):
* If radix is an integer from 2 to 36, but not 10, the result is a string, the
* choice of which is implementation-dependent.
* Well that doesn't really help us one bit now does it? We could use the
* standard base 10 version of the string, but that's just going to create more
* errors as we end up trying to convert it back to a binary value. So, really
* this just means we have to be non-lazy and parse the structure intelligently.
* First off, we can do the basic checks: NaN, positive and negative infinity.
* Now that those are done we can work backwards to generate the mantissa and
* exponent.
* The first thing we need to do is determine the sign bit, easy to do, check
* whether the value is less than 0. And convert the number to its absolute
* value representation. Next, we need to determine if the value is less than
* one or greater than or equal to one and from there determine what power was
* used to get there. What follows is now specific to floats, though the general
* ideas behind this will hold for doubles as well, but the exact numbers
* involved will change.
* Once we have that power we can determine the exponent and the mantissa. Call
* the value that has the number of bits to reach the power ebits. In the
* general case they have the following values:
* exponent 127 + ebits
* mantissa value * 2^(23 - ebits) & 0x7fffff
* In the case where the value of ebits is <= -127 we are now in the case where
* we no longer have normalized numbers. In this case the values take on the
* following values:
* exponent 0
* mantissa value * 2^149 & 0x7fffff
* Once we have the values for the sign, mantissa, and exponent. We reconstruct
* the four bytes as follows:
* byte0 sign bit and seven most significant bits from the exp
* sign << 7 | (exponent & 0xfe) >>> 1
* byte1 lsb from the exponent and 7 top bits from the mantissa
* (exponent & 0x01) << 7 | (mantissa & 0x7f0000) >>> 16
* byte2 bits 8-15 (zero indexing) from mantissa
* mantissa & 0xff00 >> 8
* byte3 bits 0-7 from mantissa
* mantissa & 0xff
* Once we have this we have to assign them into the buffer in proper endian
* order.
* Compute the log base 2 of the value. Now, someone who remembers basic
* properties of logarithms will point out that we could use the change of base
* formula for logs, and in fact that would be astute, because that's what we'll
* do for now. It feels cleaner, albeit it may be less efficient than just
* iterating and dividing by 2. We may want to come back and revisit that some
* day.
function log2(value)
return (Math.log(value) / Math.log(2));
* Helper to determine the exponent of the number we're looking at.
function intexp(value)
return (Math.floor(log2(value)));
* Helper to determine the exponent of the fractional part of the value.
function fracexp(value)
return (Math.floor(log2(value)));
function wfloat(value, endian, buffer, offset)
var sign, exponent, mantissa, ebits;
var bytes = [];
if (value === undefined)
throw (new Error('missing value'));
if (endian === undefined)
throw (new Error('missing endian'));
if (buffer === undefined)
throw (new Error('missing buffer'));
if (offset === undefined)
throw (new Error('missing offset'));
if (offset + 3 >= buffer.length)
throw (new Error('Trying to read beyond buffer length'));
if (isNaN(value)) {
sign = 0;
exponent = 0xff;
mantissa = 23;
} else if (value == Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY) {
sign = 0;
exponent = 0xff;
mantissa = 0;
} else if (value == Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY) {
sign = 1;
exponent = 0xff;
mantissa = 0;
} else {
/* Well we have some work to do */
/* Thankfully the sign bit is trivial */
if (value < 0) {
sign = 1;
value = Math.abs(value);
} else {
sign = 0;
/* Use the correct function to determine number of bits */
if (value < 1)
ebits = fracexp(value);
ebits = intexp(value);
/* Time to deal with the issues surrounding normalization */
if (ebits <= -127) {
exponent = 0;
mantissa = (value * Math.pow(2, 149)) & 0x7fffff;
} else {
exponent = 127 + ebits;
mantissa = value * Math.pow(2, 23 - ebits);
mantissa &= 0x7fffff;
bytes[0] = sign << 7 | (exponent & 0xfe) >>> 1;
bytes[1] = (exponent & 0x01) << 7 | (mantissa & 0x7f0000) >>> 16;
bytes[2] = (mantissa & 0x00ff00) >>> 8;
bytes[3] = mantissa & 0x0000ff;
if (endian == 'big') {
buffer[offset] = bytes[0];
buffer[offset+1] = bytes[1];
buffer[offset+2] = bytes[2];
buffer[offset+3] = bytes[3];
} else {
buffer[offset] = bytes[3];
buffer[offset+1] = bytes[2];
buffer[offset+2] = bytes[1];
buffer[offset+3] = bytes[0];
* Now we move onto doubles. Doubles are similar to floats in pretty much all
* ways except that the processing isn't quite as straightforward because we
* can't always use shifting, i.e. we have > 32 bit values.
* We're going to proceed in an identical fashion to floats and utilize the same
* helper functions. All that really is changing are the specific values that we
* use to do the calculations. Thus, to review we have to do the following.
* First get the sign bit and convert the value to its absolute value
* representation. Next, we determine the number of bits that we used to get to
* the value, branching whether the value is greater than or less than 1. Once
* we have that value which we will again call ebits, we have to do the
* following in the general case:
* exponent 1023 + ebits
* mantissa [value * 2^(52 - ebits)] % 2^52
* In the case where the value of ebits <= -1023 we no longer use normalized
* numbers, thus like with floats we have to do slightly different processing:
* exponent 0
* mantissa [value * 2^1074] % 2^52
* Once we have determined the sign, exponent and mantissa we can construct the
* bytes as follows:
* byte0 sign bit and seven most significant bits form the exp
* sign << 7 | (exponent & 0x7f0) >>> 4
* byte1 Remaining 4 bits from the exponent and the four most
* significant bits from the mantissa 48-51
* (exponent & 0x00f) << 4 | mantissa >>> 48
* byte2 Bits 40-47 from the mantissa
* (mantissa >>> 40) & 0xff
* byte3 Bits 32-39 from the mantissa
* (mantissa >>> 32) & 0xff
* byte4 Bits 24-31 from the mantissa
* (mantissa >>> 24) & 0xff
* byte5 Bits 16-23 from the Mantissa
* (mantissa >>> 16) & 0xff
* byte6 Bits 8-15 from the mantissa
* (mantissa >>> 8) & 0xff
* byte7 Bits 0-7 from the mantissa
* mantissa & 0xff
* Now we can't quite do the right shifting that we want in bytes 1 - 3, because
* we'll have extended too far and we'll lose those values when we try and do
* the shift. Instead we have to use an alternate approach. To try and stay out
* of floating point, what we'll do is say that mantissa -= bytes[4-7] and then
* divide by 2^32. Once we've done that we can use binary arithmetic. Oof,
* that's ugly, but it seems to avoid using floating point (just based on how v8
* seems to be optimizing for base 2 arithmetic).
function wdouble(value, endian, buffer, offset)
var sign, exponent, mantissa, ebits;
var bytes = [];
if (value === undefined)
throw (new Error('missing value'));
if (endian === undefined)
throw (new Error('missing endian'));
if (buffer === undefined)
throw (new Error('missing buffer'));
if (offset === undefined)
throw (new Error('missing offset'));
if (offset + 7 >= buffer.length)
throw (new Error('Trying to read beyond buffer length'));
if (isNaN(value)) {
sign = 0;
exponent = 0x7ff;
mantissa = 23;
} else if (value == Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY) {
sign = 0;
exponent = 0x7ff;
mantissa = 0;
} else if (value == Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY) {
sign = 1;
exponent = 0x7ff;
mantissa = 0;
} else {
/* Well we have some work to do */
/* Thankfully the sign bit is trivial */
if (value < 0) {
sign = 1;
value = Math.abs(value);
} else {
sign = 0;
/* Use the correct function to determine number of bits */
if (value < 1)
ebits = fracexp(value);
ebits = intexp(value);
* This is a total hack to determine a denormalized value.
* Unfortunately, we sometimes do not get a proper value for
* ebits, i.e. we lose the values that would get rounded off.
* The astute observer may wonder why we would be
* multiplying by two Math.pows rather than just summing
* them. Well, that's to get around a small bug in the
* way v8 seems to implement the function. On occasion
* doing:
* foo * Math.pow(2, 1023 + 51)
* Causes us to overflow to infinity, where as doing:
* foo * Math.pow(2, 1023) * Math.pow(2, 51)
* Does not cause us to overflow. Go figure.
if (value <= 2.225073858507201e-308 || ebits <= -1023) {
exponent = 0;
mantissa = value * Math.pow(2, 1023) * Math.pow(2, 51);
mantissa %= Math.pow(2, 52);
} else {
* We might have gotten fucked by our floating point
* logarithm magic. This is rather crappy, but that's
* our luck. If we just had a log base 2 or access to
* the stupid underlying representation this would have
* been much easier and we wouldn't have such stupid
* kludges or hacks.
if (ebits > 1023)
ebits = 1023;
exponent = 1023 + ebits;
mantissa = value * Math.pow(2, -ebits);
mantissa *= Math.pow(2, 52);
mantissa %= Math.pow(2, 52);
/* Fill the bytes in backwards to deal with the size issues */
bytes[7] = mantissa & 0xff;
bytes[6] = (mantissa >>> 8) & 0xff;
bytes[5] = (mantissa >>> 16) & 0xff;
mantissa = (mantissa - (mantissa & 0xffffff)) / Math.pow(2, 24);
bytes[4] = mantissa & 0xff;
bytes[3] = (mantissa >>> 8) & 0xff;
bytes[2] = (mantissa >>> 16) & 0xff;
bytes[1] = (exponent & 0x00f) << 4 | mantissa >>> 24;
bytes[0] = (sign << 7) | (exponent & 0x7f0) >>> 4;
if (endian == 'big') {
buffer[offset] = bytes[0];
buffer[offset+1] = bytes[1];
buffer[offset+2] = bytes[2];
buffer[offset+3] = bytes[3];
buffer[offset+4] = bytes[4];
buffer[offset+5] = bytes[5];
buffer[offset+6] = bytes[6];
buffer[offset+7] = bytes[7];
} else {
buffer[offset+7] = bytes[0];
buffer[offset+6] = bytes[1];
buffer[offset+5] = bytes[2];
buffer[offset+4] = bytes[3];
buffer[offset+3] = bytes[4];
buffer[offset+2] = bytes[5];
buffer[offset+1] = bytes[6];
buffer[offset] = bytes[7];
* Actually export our work above. One might argue that we shouldn't expose
* these interfaces and just force people to use the higher level abstractions
* around this work. However, unlike say other libraries we've come across, this
* interface has several properties: it makes sense, it's simple, and it's
* useful.
exports.ruint8 = ruint8;
exports.ruint16 = ruint16;
exports.ruint32 = ruint32;
exports.ruint64 = ruint64;
exports.wuint8 = wuint8;
exports.wuint16 = wuint16;
exports.wuint32 = wuint32;
exports.wuint64 = wuint64;
exports.rsint8 = rsint8;
exports.rsint16 = rsint16;
exports.rsint32 = rsint32;
exports.rsint64 = rsint64;
exports.wsint8 = wsint8;
exports.wsint16 = wsint16;
exports.wsint32 = wsint32;
exports.wsint64 = wsint64;
exports.rfloat = rfloat;
exports.rdouble = rdouble;
exports.wfloat = wfloat;
exports.wdouble = wdouble;