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2016-09-11 09:29:13 +01:00
* ctf.js
* Understand and parse all of the different JSON formats of CTF data and
* translate that into a series of node-ctype friendly pieces. The reason for
* the abstraction is to handle different changes in the file format.
* We have to be careful here that we don't end up using a name that is already
* a built in type.
var mod_assert = require('assert');
var ASSERT = mod_assert.ok;
var ctf_versions = [ '1.0' ];
var ctf_entries = [ 'integer', 'float', 'typedef', 'struct' ];
var ctf_deftypes = [ 'int8_t', 'uint8_t', 'int16_t', 'uint16_t', 'int32_t',
'uint32_t', 'float', 'double' ];
function ctfParseInteger(entry, ctype)
var name, sign, len, type;
name = entry['name'];
if (!('signed' in entry['integer']))
throw (new Error('Malformed CTF JSON: integer missing ' +
'signed value'));
if (!('length' in entry['integer']))
throw (new Error('Malformed CTF JSON: integer missing ' +
'length value'));
sign = entry['integer']['signed'];
len = entry['integer']['length'];
type = null;
if (sign && len == 1)
type = 'int8_t';
else if (len == 1)
type = 'uint8_t';
else if (sign && len == 2)
type = 'int16_t';
else if (len == 2)
type = 'uint16_t';
else if (sign && len == 4)
type = 'int32_t';
else if (len == 4)
type = 'uint32_t';
else if (sign && len == 8)
type = 'int64_t';
else if (len == 8)
type = 'uint64_t';
if (type === null)
throw (new Error('Malformed CTF JSON: integer has ' +
'unsupported length and sign - ' + len + '/' + sign));
* This means that this is the same as one of our built in types. If
* that's the case defining it would be an error. So instead of trying
* to typedef it, we'll return here.
if (name == type)
if (name == 'char') {
ASSERT(type == 'int8_t');
ctype.typedef(name, type);
function ctfParseFloat(entry, ctype)
var name, len;
name = entry['name'];
if (!('length' in entry['float']))
throw (new Error('Malformed CTF JSON: float missing ' +
'length value'));
len = entry['float']['length'];
if (len != 4 && len != 8)
throw (new Error('Malformed CTF JSON: float has invalid ' +
'length value'));
if (len == 4) {
if (name == 'float')
ctype.typedef(name, 'float');
} else if (len == 8) {
if (name == 'double')
ctype.typedef(name, 'double');
function ctfParseTypedef(entry, ctype)
var name, type, ii;
name = entry['name'];
if (typeof (entry['typedef']) != 'string')
throw (new Error('Malformed CTF JSON: typedef value in not ' +
'a string'));
type = entry['typedef'];
* We need to ensure that we're not looking at type that's one of our
* built in types. Traditionally in C a uint32_t would be a typedef to
* some kind of integer. However, those size types are built ins.
for (ii = 0; ii < ctf_deftypes.length; ii++) {
if (name == ctf_deftypes[ii])
ctype.typedef(name, type);
function ctfParseStruct(entry, ctype)
var name, type, ii, val, index, member, push;
member = [];
if (!Array.isArray(entry['struct']))
throw (new Error('Malformed CTF JSON: struct value is not ' +
'an array'));
for (ii = 0; ii < entry['struct'].length; ii++) {
val = entry['struct'][ii];
if (!('name' in val))
throw (new Error('Malformed CTF JSON: struct member ' +
'missing name'));
if (!('type' in val))
throw (new Error('Malformed CTF JSON: struct member ' +
'missing type'));
if (typeof (val['name']) != 'string')
throw (new Error('Malformed CTF JSON: struct member ' +
'name isn\'t a string'));
if (typeof (val['type']) != 'string')
throw (new Error('Malformed CTF JSON: struct member ' +
'type isn\'t a string'));
* CTF version 2 specifies array names as <type> [<num>] where
* as node-ctype does this as <type>[<num>].
name = val['name'];
type = val['type'];
index = type.indexOf(' [');
if (index != -1) {
type = type.substring(0, index) +
type.substring(index + 1, type.length);
push = {};
push[name] = { 'type': type };
name = entry['name'];
ctype.typedef(name, member);
function ctfParseEntry(entry, ctype)
var ii, found;
if (!('name' in entry))
throw (new Error('Malformed CTF JSON: entry missing "name" ' +
for (ii = 0; ii < ctf_entries.length; ii++) {
if (ctf_entries[ii] in entry)
if (found === 0)
throw (new Error('Malformed CTF JSON: found no entries'));
if (found >= 2)
throw (new Error('Malformed CTF JSON: found more than one ' +
if ('integer' in entry) {
ctfParseInteger(entry, ctype);
if ('float' in entry) {
ctfParseFloat(entry, ctype);
if ('typedef' in entry) {
ctfParseTypedef(entry, ctype);
if ('struct' in entry) {
ctfParseStruct(entry, ctype);
ASSERT(false, 'shouldn\'t reach here');
function ctfParseJson(json, ctype)
var version, ii;
if (!('metadata' in json))
throw (new Error('Invalid CTF JSON: missing metadata section'));
if (!('ctf2json_version' in json['metadata']))
throw (new Error('Invalid CTF JSON: missing ctf2json_version'));
version = json['metadata']['ctf2json_version'];
for (ii = 0; ii < ctf_versions.length; ii++) {
if (ctf_versions[ii] == version)
if (ii == ctf_versions.length)
throw (new Error('Unsuported ctf2json_version: ' + version));
if (!('data' in json))
throw (new Error('Invalid CTF JSON: missing data section'));
if (!Array.isArray(json['data']))
throw (new Error('Malformed CTF JSON: data section is not ' +
'an array'));
for (ii = 0; ii < json['data'].length; ii++)
ctfParseEntry(json['data'][ii], ctype);
exports.ctfParseJson = ctfParseJson;