Cyryl Płotnicki 280bcab25f VSCode update
2016-09-24 13:12:34 +02:00

50 lines
1.5 KiB

child_process = require 'child_process'
create_pipes = require './lib/create-pipes'
proxy = require './lib/proxy'
read_pipes = require './lib/read-pipes'
timeout = require './lib/timeout'
# Blocking exec
# @param cmd String command to execute
# @param max_wait Number millisecond timeout value
# @param options Object execution options (like: encoding)
# @return Object {String stderr, String stdout, Number status}
module.exports = (cmd, max_wait, options) ->
if max_wait and typeof max_wait is 'object'
[options, max_wait] = [max_wait, null]
options ?= {}
unless options.hasOwnProperty 'encoding'
options.encoding = 'utf8'
unless typeof options is 'object' and options
throw new Error 'options must be an object'
max_wait ?= options.timeout or options.max_wait or 3600000 # 1hr default
unless not max_wait? or max_wait >= 1
throw new Error '`options.timeout` must be >=1 millisecond'
delete options.max_wait
# use native child_process.execSync if available (from node v0.12+)
if options.forceEmulation
delete options.forceEmulation
else if child_process.execSync
return proxy cmd, max_wait, options
delete options.timeout
dir = create_pipes()
cmd = '((((' + cmd + ' > ' + dir + '/stdout 2> ' + dir + '/stderr ) ' +
'&& echo $? > ' + dir + '/status) || echo $? > ' + dir + '/status) &&' +
' echo 1 > ' + dir + '/done) || echo 1 > ' + dir + '/done'
child_process.exec cmd, options, ->
read_pipes dir, max_wait