Cyryl Płotnicki 635f5902aa
Some checks are pending
use nix / build (push) Waiting to run
cleanup, make checks pass
2024-04-27 11:33:38 +01:00

61 lines
1.2 KiB

}: {
imports = [./autorandr.nix ./openweathermap-secrets.nix];
environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [dconf];
programs.dconf.enable = true;
security.sudo.extraRules = [
users = ["cyryl"];
commands = [
command = "${pkgs.i3}/bin/i3-msg";
options = ["NOPASSWD"];
users = ["cyryl"];
commands = [
command = "${}/bin/intel_gpu_top";
options = ["NOPASSWD"];
xdg.portal = {
enable = true;
extraPortals = with pkgs; [xdg-desktop-portal-gtk xdg-desktop-portal-kde];
services = {
clipmenu.enable = true;
physlock = {
enable = true;
allowAnyUser = true;
dbus = {packages = with pkgs; [gnome2.GConf dconf];};
fractalart.enable = true;
colord.enable = true;
xserver = {
enable = true;
windowManager.i3.enable = true;
displayManager.sddm = {
enable = true;
enableHidpi = true;
home-manager.users.cyryl = {...}: {
imports = [./home.nix];
home.packages = with pkgs; [];