var vows = require('vows'), assert = require('assert'), path = require('path'), fs = require('fs'), existsSync = fs.existsSync || path.existsSync, tmp = require('../lib/tmp.js'), Test = require('./base.js'); function _testFile(mode, fdTest) { return function _testFileGenerated(result) { assert.ok(existsSync(, 'should exist'); var stat = fs.statSync(; assert.equal(stat.size, 0, 'should have zero size'); assert.ok(stat.isFile(), 'should be a file'); Test.testStat(stat, mode); // check with fstat as well (fd checking) if (fdTest) { var fstat = fs.fstatSync(result.fd); assert.deepEqual(fstat, stat, 'fstat results should be the same'); var data = new Buffer('something'); assert.equal(fs.writeSync(result.fd, data, 0, data.length, 0), data.length, 'should be writable'); assert.ok(!fs.closeSync(result.fd), 'should not return with error'); } }; } vows.describe('Synchronous file creation').addBatch({ 'when using without parameters': { topic: function () { return tmp.fileSync(); }, 'should return with a name': Test.assertNameSync, 'should be a file': _testFile(0100600, true), 'should have the default prefix': Test.testPrefixSync('tmp-'), 'should have the default postfix': Test.testPostfixSync('.tmp') }, 'when using with prefix': { topic: function () { return tmp.fileSync({ prefix: 'something' }); }, 'should return with a name': Test.assertNameSync, 'should be a file': _testFile(0100600, true), 'should have the provided prefix': Test.testPrefixSync('something') }, 'when using with postfix': { topic: function () { return tmp.fileSync({ postfix: '.txt' }); }, 'should return with a name': Test.assertNameSync, 'should be a file': _testFile(0100600, true), 'should have the provided postfix': Test.testPostfixSync('.txt') }, 'when using template': { topic: function () { return tmp.fileSync({ template: path.join(tmp.tmpdir, 'clike-XXXXXX-postfix') }); }, 'should return with a name': Test.assertNameSync, 'should be a file': _testFile(0100600, true), 'should have the provided prefix': Test.testPrefixSync('clike-'), 'should have the provided postfix': Test.testPostfixSync('-postfix') }, 'when using name': { topic: function () { return tmp.fileSync({ name: 'using-name.tmp' }); }, 'should return with a name': Test.assertNameSync, 'should have the provided name': Test.testNameSync(path.join(tmp.tmpdir, 'using-name.tmp')), 'should be a file': function (result) { _testFile(0100600, true); fs.unlinkSync(; } }, 'when using multiple options': { topic: function () { return tmp.fileSync({ prefix: 'foo', postfix: 'bar', mode: 0640 }); }, 'should return with a name': Test.assertNameSync, 'should be a file': _testFile(0100640, true), 'should have the provided prefix': Test.testPrefixSync('foo'), 'should have the provided postfix': Test.testPostfixSync('bar') }, 'when using multiple options and mode': { topic: function () { return tmp.fileSync({ prefix: 'complicated', postfix: 'options', mode: 0644 }); }, 'should return with a name': Test.assertNameSync, 'should be a file': _testFile(0100644, true), 'should have the provided prefix': Test.testPrefixSync('complicated'), 'should have the provided postfix': Test.testPostfixSync('options') }, 'no tries': { topic: function () { try { return tmp.fileSync({ tries: -1 }); } catch (e) { return e; } }, 'should return with an error': function (topic) { assert.instanceOf(topic, Error); } }, 'keep testing': { topic: function () { Test.testKeepSync('file', '1', this.callback); }, 'should not return with an error': assert.isNull, 'should return with a name': Test.assertName, 'should be a file': function (err, name) { _testFile(0100600, false)({name:name}); fs.unlinkSync(name); } }, 'unlink testing': { topic: function () { Test.testKeepSync('file', '0', this.callback); }, 'should not return with an error': assert.isNull, 'should return with a name': Test.assertName, 'should not exist': function (err, name) { assert.ok(!existsSync(name), 'File should be removed'); } }, 'non graceful testing': { topic: function () { Test.testGracefulSync('file', '0', this.callback); }, 'should not return with error': assert.isNull, 'should return with a name': Test.assertName, 'should be a file': function (err, name) { _testFile(0100600, false)({name:name}); fs.unlinkSync(name); } }, 'graceful testing': { topic: function () { Test.testGracefulSync('file', '1', this.callback); }, 'should not return with an error': assert.isNull, 'should return with a name': Test.assertName, 'should not exist': function (err, name) { assert.ok(!existsSync(name), 'File should be removed'); } }, 'remove callback': { topic: function () { return tmp.fileSync(); }, 'should return with a name': Test.assertNameSync, 'removeCallback should remove file': function (result) { result.removeCallback(); assert.ok(!existsSync(, 'File should be removed'); } } }).exportTo(module);