var duplexer = require('duplexer') module.exports = function () { var streams = [] , first = streams[0] , last = streams[streams.length - 1] , thepipe = duplexer(first, last) if(streams.length == 1) return streams[0] else if (!streams.length) throw new Error('connect called with empty args') //pipe all the streams together function recurse (streams) { if(streams.length < 2) return streams[0].pipe(streams[1]) recurse(streams.slice(1)) } recurse(streams) function onerror () { var args = [] args.unshift('error') thepipe.emit.apply(thepipe, args) } //es.duplex already reemits the error from the first and last stream. //add a listener for the inner streams in the pipeline. for(var i = 1; i < streams.length - 1; i ++) streams[i].on('error', onerror) return thepipe }