describe('RcFinder', function () { var RcFinder = require('../'); var path = require('path'); var expect = require('expect.js'); var fs = require('fs'); var fixtures = { root: path.resolve(__dirname, 'fixtures/foo/foo/foo/foo/'), json: path.resolve(__dirname, 'fixtures/foo/foo/bar.json'), text: path.resolve(__dirname, 'fixtures/foo/foo/.baz'), checkCount: 4, config: { baz: 'bog' } }; it('looks for config files', function () { var rcFinder = new RcFinder('bar.json'); var config = rcFinder.find(path.resolve(__dirname, 'fixtures/foo/foo/foo/foo/')); expect(config).to.eql(fixtures.config); }); it('can be run async by using a callback', function (done) { var rcFinder = new RcFinder('bar.json'); var count = 0; rcFinder.find(fixtures.root, function (err, config) { expect(count).to.eql(1); // prove async expect(config).to.eql(fixtures.config); done(); }); count ++; }); it('caches config objects', function () { var count = 0; var rcFinder = new RcFinder('bar.json', { loader: function (path) { count ++; return JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(path)); } }); var config = rcFinder.find(fixtures.root); expect(count).to.eql(1); expect(config).to.eql(fixtures.config); // it should only be loaded once config = rcFinder.find(fixtures.root); expect(count).to.eql(1); expect(config).to.eql(fixtures.config); }); it('caches config objects from async calls', function (done) { var count = 0; var rcFinder = new RcFinder('bar.json', { loader: function (path, cb) { count ++; fs.readFile(path, function (err, file) { var config; if (!err) { try { config = JSON.parse(file); } catch(e) { err = cb(new Error(path + ' is not valid JSON: ' + e.message)); } } cb(err, config); }); } }); rcFinder.find(fixtures.root, function (err, config) { expect(count).to.eql(1); expect(config).to.eql(fixtures.config); rcFinder.find(fixtures.root, function (err, config) { expect(count).to.eql(1); expect(config).to.eql(fixtures.config); done(); }); }); }); it('throws an error when called without a callback by an async loader is in use', function () { expect(function () { var rcFinder = new RcFinder('bar.json', { loader: 'async' }); rcFinder.find(fixtures.root); }).to.throwException(); }); it('properly caches sync lookups when a config file is not found', function () { var count = 0; var expectedCount = fixtures.checkCount; var rcFinder = new RcFinder('bar.json', { _syncCheck: function (path) { count++; return fs.existsSync(path); } }); expect(count).to.eql(0); rcFinder.find(fixtures.root); expect(count).to.eql(expectedCount); rcFinder.find(fixtures.root); // it should still equal previous count expect(count).to.eql(expectedCount); }); it('properly caches async lookups when a config file is not found', function () { var count = 0; var expectedCount = fixtures.checkCount; var rcFinder = new RcFinder('bar.json', { _asyncCheck: function (path, cb) { count++; fs.stat(path, function (err, exists) { if (err && err.code !== 'ENOENT') return cb(err); cb(void 0, !err); }); } }); expect(count).to.eql(0); rcFinder.find(fixtures.root, function (err, config) { expect(count).to.eql(expectedCount); rcFinder.find(fixtures.root, function (err, config) { // it should still equal previous count expect(count).to.eql(expectedCount); }); }); }); it('throws errors from loader when loading and calling synchronously', function() { var rcFinder = new RcFinder('bar.json', { loader: function(path) { return JSON.parse('{not really json'); } }); expect(function () { var config = rcFinder.find(fixtures.root); }).to.throwException('Unexpected token n'); }); it('propagates errors from loader when loading synchronously and calling async', function(done) { var rcFinder = new RcFinder('bar.json', { loader: function(path) { return JSON.parse('{not really json'); } }); rcFinder.find(fixtures.root, function(err, config) { expect(err); expect(err.message)'Unexpected token n'); expect(config); done(); }); }); it('propagates error from loader when loading asynchronously', function(done) { var rcFinder = new RcFinder('bar.json', { loader: function(path, callback) { process.nextTick(function() { var err, body; try { body = JSON.parse('{not really json'); } catch (e) { err = e; } finally { callback(err, body); } }); } }); rcFinder.find(fixtures.root, function(err, config) { expect(err); expect(err.message)'Unexpected token n'); expect(config); done(); }); }); });