#!/bin/bash set -e chmod ao-rwx ~/.ssh/id_rsa DOTFILES_PATH="$HOME/dev/dotfiles" mkdir -pv $HOME/dev/ ln -vfs "$OUTER_CLONE/.gitconfig.cygwin" $HOME/.gitconfig if [[ ! -d $DOTFILES_PATH ]]; then git clone "$OUTER_CLONE" "$DOTFILES_PATH" fi cd "$DOTFILES_PATH" git remote set-url origin https://github.com/cyplo/dotfiles.git git fetch -p git checkout $branch set +e git pull set -e git remote set-url origin git@github.com:cyplo/dotfiles.git # might fail on CI where there are no secret keys set +e git pull set -e unset branch export NOSUDO=true export DONT_CHANGE_SHELL=true export NORUST=true export NO_GO=true export DIR=$DOTFILES_PATH export NOYCM=true curl https://bootstrap.pypa.io/get-pip.py > /tmp/get-pip.py python /tmp/get-pip.py # expose all the binaries fetched during the outer build export PATH="$OUTER_CLONE:$PATH" $DIR/common/configure_fresh_system ln -vfs $DIR/windows_cygwin/.minttyrc $HOME/ ln -vfs "$DOTFILES_PATH/.gitconfig.cygwin" $HOME/.gitconfig ln -vfs $DIR/.vimrc.cygwin $HOME/.vimrc # reinstall plugins with the new vimrc echo "Reinstalling Vim plugins with the correct plugin list" echo "\n" | vim +PluginInstall +qa