{ config, pkgs, ... }: let unstableTarball = fetchTarball https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs-channels/archive/nixos-unstable.tar.gz; in { imports = [ ./syncthing.nix ./gsconnect.nix ./common-hardware.nix ./common-services.nix ./security.nix ]; security.allowUserNamespaces = true; nixpkgs.config = { allowUnfree = true; packageOverrides = pkgs: { unstable = import unstableTarball { config = config.nixpkgs.config; }; }; }; environment.enableDebugInfo = true; environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [ wget git gnupg curl tmux htop atop home-manager pciutils powertop ripgrep-all fd dnsutils ]; i18n.defaultLocale = "en_GB.UTF-8"; users.users.cyryl = { isNormalUser = true; extraGroups = [ "wheel" "networkmanager" "video" "scanner" "lp" "docker" "vboxusers" "adbusers" "libvirtd" "dialout" ]; shell = pkgs.zsh; }; networking.hosts = { "" = [ "czateria.pl" "interia.pl" "czateria.interia.pl"]; }; programs.light.enable = true; programs.adb.enable = true; virtualisation.docker = { enable = true; autoPrune.enable = true; }; fonts.fonts = with pkgs; [ powerline-fonts weather-icons material-icons source-code-pro fira-code noto-fonts-emoji emojione iosevka font-awesome nerdfonts ]; services.haveged.enable = true; nix = { autoOptimiseStore = true; daemonIONiceLevel = 7; daemonNiceLevel = 19; gc.automatic = true; optimise.automatic = true; }; system = { stateVersion = "20.03"; }; }