// Load modules var Url = require('url'); var Code = require('code'); var Hawk = require('../lib'); var Lab = require('lab'); // Declare internals var internals = {}; // Test shortcuts var lab = exports.lab = Lab.script(); var describe = lab.experiment; var it = lab.test; var expect = Code.expect; describe('Hawk', function () { describe('server', function () { var credentialsFunc = function (id, callback) { var credentials = { id: id, key: 'werxhqb98rpaxn39848xrunpaw3489ruxnpa98w4rxn', algorithm: (id === '1' ? 'sha1' : 'sha256'), user: 'steve' }; return callback(null, credentials); }; describe('#authenticate', function () { it('parses a valid authentication header (sha1)', function (done) { var req = { method: 'GET', url: '/resource/4?filter=a', host: 'example.com', port: 8080, authorization: 'Hawk id="1", ts="1353788437", nonce="k3j4h2", mac="zy79QQ5/EYFmQqutVnYb73gAc/U=", ext="hello"' }; Hawk.server.authenticate(req, credentialsFunc, { localtimeOffsetMsec: 1353788437000 - Hawk.utils.now() }, function (err, credentials, artifacts) { expect(err).to.not.exist(); expect(credentials.user).to.equal('steve'); done(); }); }); it('parses a valid authentication header (sha256)', function (done) { var req = { method: 'GET', url: '/resource/1?b=1&a=2', host: 'example.com', port: 8000, authorization: 'Hawk id="dh37fgj492je", ts="1353832234", nonce="j4h3g2", mac="m8r1rHbXN6NgO+KIIhjO7sFRyd78RNGVUwehe8Cp2dU=", ext="some-app-data"' }; Hawk.server.authenticate(req, credentialsFunc, { localtimeOffsetMsec: 1353832234000 - Hawk.utils.now() }, function (err, credentials, artifacts) { expect(err).to.not.exist(); expect(credentials.user).to.equal('steve'); done(); }); }); it('parses a valid authentication header (host override)', function (done) { var req = { method: 'GET', url: '/resource/4?filter=a', headers: { host: 'example1.com:8080', authorization: 'Hawk id="1", ts="1353788437", nonce="k3j4h2", mac="zy79QQ5/EYFmQqutVnYb73gAc/U=", ext="hello"' } }; Hawk.server.authenticate(req, credentialsFunc, { host: 'example.com', localtimeOffsetMsec: 1353788437000 - Hawk.utils.now() }, function (err, credentials, artifacts) { expect(err).to.not.exist(); expect(credentials.user).to.equal('steve'); done(); }); }); it('parses a valid authentication header (host port override)', function (done) { var req = { method: 'GET', url: '/resource/4?filter=a', headers: { host: 'example1.com:80', authorization: 'Hawk id="1", ts="1353788437", nonce="k3j4h2", mac="zy79QQ5/EYFmQqutVnYb73gAc/U=", ext="hello"' } }; Hawk.server.authenticate(req, credentialsFunc, { host: 'example.com', port: 8080, localtimeOffsetMsec: 1353788437000 - Hawk.utils.now() }, function (err, credentials, artifacts) { expect(err).to.not.exist(); expect(credentials.user).to.equal('steve'); done(); }); }); it('parses a valid authentication header (POST with payload)', function (done) { var req = { method: 'POST', url: '/resource/4?filter=a', host: 'example.com', port: 8080, authorization: 'Hawk id="123456", ts="1357926341", nonce="1AwuJD", hash="qAiXIVv+yjDATneWxZP2YCTa9aHRgQdnH9b3Wc+o3dg=", ext="some-app-data", mac="UeYcj5UoTVaAWXNvJfLVia7kU3VabxCqrccXP8sUGC4="' }; Hawk.server.authenticate(req, credentialsFunc, { localtimeOffsetMsec: 1357926341000 - Hawk.utils.now() }, function (err, credentials, artifacts) { expect(err).to.not.exist(); expect(credentials.user).to.equal('steve'); done(); }); }); it('errors on missing hash', function (done) { var req = { method: 'GET', url: '/resource/1?b=1&a=2', host: 'example.com', port: 8000, authorization: 'Hawk id="dh37fgj492je", ts="1353832234", nonce="j4h3g2", mac="m8r1rHbXN6NgO+KIIhjO7sFRyd78RNGVUwehe8Cp2dU=", ext="some-app-data"' }; Hawk.server.authenticate(req, credentialsFunc, { payload: 'body', localtimeOffsetMsec: 1353832234000 - Hawk.utils.now() }, function (err, credentials, artifacts) { expect(err).to.exist(); expect(err.output.payload.message).to.equal('Missing required payload hash'); done(); }); }); it('errors on a stale timestamp', function (done) { var req = { method: 'GET', url: '/resource/4?filter=a', host: 'example.com', port: 8080, authorization: 'Hawk id="123456", ts="1362337299", nonce="UzmxSs", ext="some-app-data", mac="wnNUxchvvryMH2RxckTdZ/gY3ijzvccx4keVvELC61w="' }; Hawk.server.authenticate(req, credentialsFunc, {}, function (err, credentials, artifacts) { expect(err).to.exist(); expect(err.output.payload.message).to.equal('Stale timestamp'); var header = err.output.headers['WWW-Authenticate']; var ts = header.match(/^Hawk ts\=\"(\d+)\"\, tsm\=\"([^\"]+)\"\, error=\"Stale timestamp\"$/); var now = Hawk.utils.now(); expect(parseInt(ts[1], 10) * 1000).to.be.within(now - 1000, now + 1000); var res = { headers: { 'www-authenticate': header } }; expect(Hawk.client.authenticate(res, credentials, artifacts)).to.equal(true); done(); }); }); it('errors on a replay', function (done) { var req = { method: 'GET', url: '/resource/4?filter=a', host: 'example.com', port: 8080, authorization: 'Hawk id="123", ts="1353788437", nonce="k3j4h2", mac="bXx7a7p1h9QYQNZ8x7QhvDQym8ACgab4m3lVSFn4DBw=", ext="hello"' }; var memoryCache = {}; var options = { localtimeOffsetMsec: 1353788437000 - Hawk.utils.now(), nonceFunc: function (nonce, ts, callback) { if (memoryCache[nonce]) { return callback(new Error()); } memoryCache[nonce] = true; return callback(); } }; Hawk.server.authenticate(req, credentialsFunc, options, function (err, credentials, artifacts) { expect(err).to.not.exist(); expect(credentials.user).to.equal('steve'); Hawk.server.authenticate(req, credentialsFunc, options, function (err, credentials, artifacts) { expect(err).to.exist(); expect(err.output.payload.message).to.equal('Invalid nonce'); done(); }); }); }); it('errors on an invalid authentication header: wrong scheme', function (done) { var req = { method: 'GET', url: '/resource/4?filter=a', host: 'example.com', port: 8080, authorization: 'Basic asdasdasdasd' }; Hawk.server.authenticate(req, credentialsFunc, { localtimeOffsetMsec: 1353788437000 - Hawk.utils.now() }, function (err, credentials, artifacts) { expect(err).to.exist(); expect(err.output.payload.message).to.not.exist(); done(); }); }); it('errors on an invalid authentication header: no scheme', function (done) { var req = { method: 'GET', url: '/resource/4?filter=a', host: 'example.com', port: 8080, authorization: '!@#' }; Hawk.server.authenticate(req, credentialsFunc, { localtimeOffsetMsec: 1353788437000 - Hawk.utils.now() }, function (err, credentials, artifacts) { expect(err).to.exist(); expect(err.output.payload.message).to.equal('Invalid header syntax'); done(); }); }); it('errors on an missing authorization header', function (done) { var req = { method: 'GET', url: '/resource/4?filter=a', host: 'example.com', port: 8080 }; Hawk.server.authenticate(req, credentialsFunc, {}, function (err, credentials, artifacts) { expect(err).to.exist(); expect(err.isMissing).to.equal(true); done(); }); }); it('errors on an missing host header', function (done) { var req = { method: 'GET', url: '/resource/4?filter=a', headers: { authorization: 'Hawk id="123", ts="1353788437", nonce="k3j4h2", mac="/qwS4UjfVWMcUyW6EEgUH4jlr7T/wuKe3dKijvTvSos=", ext="hello"' } }; Hawk.server.authenticate(req, credentialsFunc, { localtimeOffsetMsec: 1353788437000 - Hawk.utils.now() }, function (err, credentials, artifacts) { expect(err).to.exist(); expect(err.output.payload.message).to.equal('Invalid Host header'); done(); }); }); it('errors on an missing authorization attribute (id)', function (done) { var req = { method: 'GET', url: '/resource/4?filter=a', host: 'example.com', port: 8080, authorization: 'Hawk ts="1353788437", nonce="k3j4h2", mac="/qwS4UjfVWMcUyW6EEgUH4jlr7T/wuKe3dKijvTvSos=", ext="hello"' }; Hawk.server.authenticate(req, credentialsFunc, { localtimeOffsetMsec: 1353788437000 - Hawk.utils.now() }, function (err, credentials, artifacts) { expect(err).to.exist(); expect(err.output.payload.message).to.equal('Missing attributes'); done(); }); }); it('errors on an missing authorization attribute (ts)', function (done) { var req = { method: 'GET', url: '/resource/4?filter=a', host: 'example.com', port: 8080, authorization: 'Hawk id="123", nonce="k3j4h2", mac="/qwS4UjfVWMcUyW6EEgUH4jlr7T/wuKe3dKijvTvSos=", ext="hello"' }; Hawk.server.authenticate(req, credentialsFunc, { localtimeOffsetMsec: 1353788437000 - Hawk.utils.now() }, function (err, credentials, artifacts) { expect(err).to.exist(); expect(err.output.payload.message).to.equal('Missing attributes'); done(); }); }); it('errors on an missing authorization attribute (nonce)', function (done) { var req = { method: 'GET', url: '/resource/4?filter=a', host: 'example.com', port: 8080, authorization: 'Hawk id="123", ts="1353788437", mac="/qwS4UjfVWMcUyW6EEgUH4jlr7T/wuKe3dKijvTvSos=", ext="hello"' }; Hawk.server.authenticate(req, credentialsFunc, { localtimeOffsetMsec: 1353788437000 - Hawk.utils.now() }, function (err, credentials, artifacts) { expect(err).to.exist(); expect(err.output.payload.message).to.equal('Missing attributes'); done(); }); }); it('errors on an missing authorization attribute (mac)', function (done) { var req = { method: 'GET', url: '/resource/4?filter=a', host: 'example.com', port: 8080, authorization: 'Hawk id="123", ts="1353788437", nonce="k3j4h2", ext="hello"' }; Hawk.server.authenticate(req, credentialsFunc, { localtimeOffsetMsec: 1353788437000 - Hawk.utils.now() }, function (err, credentials, artifacts) { expect(err).to.exist(); expect(err.output.payload.message).to.equal('Missing attributes'); done(); }); }); it('errors on an unknown authorization attribute', function (done) { var req = { method: 'GET', url: '/resource/4?filter=a', host: 'example.com', port: 8080, authorization: 'Hawk id="123", ts="1353788437", nonce="k3j4h2", x="3", mac="/qwS4UjfVWMcUyW6EEgUH4jlr7T/wuKe3dKijvTvSos=", ext="hello"' }; Hawk.server.authenticate(req, credentialsFunc, { localtimeOffsetMsec: 1353788437000 - Hawk.utils.now() }, function (err, credentials, artifacts) { expect(err).to.exist(); expect(err.output.payload.message).to.equal('Unknown attribute: x'); done(); }); }); it('errors on an bad authorization header format', function (done) { var req = { method: 'GET', url: '/resource/4?filter=a', host: 'example.com', port: 8080, authorization: 'Hawk id="123\\", ts="1353788437", nonce="k3j4h2", mac="/qwS4UjfVWMcUyW6EEgUH4jlr7T/wuKe3dKijvTvSos=", ext="hello"' }; Hawk.server.authenticate(req, credentialsFunc, { localtimeOffsetMsec: 1353788437000 - Hawk.utils.now() }, function (err, credentials, artifacts) { expect(err).to.exist(); expect(err.output.payload.message).to.equal('Bad header format'); done(); }); }); it('errors on an bad authorization attribute value', function (done) { var req = { method: 'GET', url: '/resource/4?filter=a', host: 'example.com', port: 8080, authorization: 'Hawk id="\t", ts="1353788437", nonce="k3j4h2", mac="/qwS4UjfVWMcUyW6EEgUH4jlr7T/wuKe3dKijvTvSos=", ext="hello"' }; Hawk.server.authenticate(req, credentialsFunc, { localtimeOffsetMsec: 1353788437000 - Hawk.utils.now() }, function (err, credentials, artifacts) { expect(err).to.exist(); expect(err.output.payload.message).to.equal('Bad attribute value: id'); done(); }); }); it('errors on an empty authorization attribute value', function (done) { var req = { method: 'GET', url: '/resource/4?filter=a', host: 'example.com', port: 8080, authorization: 'Hawk id="", ts="1353788437", nonce="k3j4h2", mac="/qwS4UjfVWMcUyW6EEgUH4jlr7T/wuKe3dKijvTvSos=", ext="hello"' }; Hawk.server.authenticate(req, credentialsFunc, { localtimeOffsetMsec: 1353788437000 - Hawk.utils.now() }, function (err, credentials, artifacts) { expect(err).to.exist(); expect(err.output.payload.message).to.equal('Bad attribute value: id'); done(); }); }); it('errors on duplicated authorization attribute key', function (done) { var req = { method: 'GET', url: '/resource/4?filter=a', host: 'example.com', port: 8080, authorization: 'Hawk id="123", id="456", ts="1353788437", nonce="k3j4h2", mac="/qwS4UjfVWMcUyW6EEgUH4jlr7T/wuKe3dKijvTvSos=", ext="hello"' }; Hawk.server.authenticate(req, credentialsFunc, { localtimeOffsetMsec: 1353788437000 - Hawk.utils.now() }, function (err, credentials, artifacts) { expect(err).to.exist(); expect(err.output.payload.message).to.equal('Duplicate attribute: id'); done(); }); }); it('errors on an invalid authorization header format', function (done) { var req = { method: 'GET', url: '/resource/4?filter=a', host: 'example.com', port: 8080, authorization: 'Hawk' }; Hawk.server.authenticate(req, credentialsFunc, { localtimeOffsetMsec: 1353788437000 - Hawk.utils.now() }, function (err, credentials, artifacts) { expect(err).to.exist(); expect(err.output.payload.message).to.equal('Invalid header syntax'); done(); }); }); it('errors on an bad host header (missing host)', function (done) { var req = { method: 'GET', url: '/resource/4?filter=a', headers: { host: ':8080', authorization: 'Hawk id="123", ts="1353788437", nonce="k3j4h2", mac="/qwS4UjfVWMcUyW6EEgUH4jlr7T/wuKe3dKijvTvSos=", ext="hello"' } }; Hawk.server.authenticate(req, credentialsFunc, { localtimeOffsetMsec: 1353788437000 - Hawk.utils.now() }, function (err, credentials, artifacts) { expect(err).to.exist(); expect(err.output.payload.message).to.equal('Invalid Host header'); done(); }); }); it('errors on an bad host header (pad port)', function (done) { var req = { method: 'GET', url: '/resource/4?filter=a', headers: { host: 'example.com:something', authorization: 'Hawk id="123", ts="1353788437", nonce="k3j4h2", mac="/qwS4UjfVWMcUyW6EEgUH4jlr7T/wuKe3dKijvTvSos=", ext="hello"' } }; Hawk.server.authenticate(req, credentialsFunc, { localtimeOffsetMsec: 1353788437000 - Hawk.utils.now() }, function (err, credentials, artifacts) { expect(err).to.exist(); expect(err.output.payload.message).to.equal('Invalid Host header'); done(); }); }); it('errors on credentialsFunc error', function (done) { var req = { method: 'GET', url: '/resource/4?filter=a', host: 'example.com', port: 8080, authorization: 'Hawk id="123", ts="1353788437", nonce="k3j4h2", mac="/qwS4UjfVWMcUyW6EEgUH4jlr7T/wuKe3dKijvTvSos=", ext="hello"' }; var credentialsFunc = function (id, callback) { return callback(new Error('Unknown user')); }; Hawk.server.authenticate(req, credentialsFunc, { localtimeOffsetMsec: 1353788437000 - Hawk.utils.now() }, function (err, credentials, artifacts) { expect(err).to.exist(); expect(err.message).to.equal('Unknown user'); done(); }); }); it('errors on credentialsFunc error (with credentials)', function (done) { var req = { method: 'GET', url: '/resource/4?filter=a', host: 'example.com', port: 8080, authorization: 'Hawk id="123", ts="1353788437", nonce="k3j4h2", mac="/qwS4UjfVWMcUyW6EEgUH4jlr7T/wuKe3dKijvTvSos=", ext="hello"' }; var credentialsFunc = function (id, callback) { return callback(new Error('Unknown user'), { some: 'value' }); }; Hawk.server.authenticate(req, credentialsFunc, { localtimeOffsetMsec: 1353788437000 - Hawk.utils.now() }, function (err, credentials, artifacts) { expect(err).to.exist(); expect(err.message).to.equal('Unknown user'); expect(credentials.some).to.equal('value'); done(); }); }); it('errors on missing credentials', function (done) { var req = { method: 'GET', url: '/resource/4?filter=a', host: 'example.com', port: 8080, authorization: 'Hawk id="123", ts="1353788437", nonce="k3j4h2", mac="/qwS4UjfVWMcUyW6EEgUH4jlr7T/wuKe3dKijvTvSos=", ext="hello"' }; var credentialsFunc = function (id, callback) { return callback(null, null); }; Hawk.server.authenticate(req, credentialsFunc, { localtimeOffsetMsec: 1353788437000 - Hawk.utils.now() }, function (err, credentials, artifacts) { expect(err).to.exist(); expect(err.output.payload.message).to.equal('Unknown credentials'); done(); }); }); it('errors on invalid credentials (id)', function (done) { var req = { method: 'GET', url: '/resource/4?filter=a', host: 'example.com', port: 8080, authorization: 'Hawk id="123", ts="1353788437", nonce="k3j4h2", mac="/qwS4UjfVWMcUyW6EEgUH4jlr7T/wuKe3dKijvTvSos=", ext="hello"' }; var credentialsFunc = function (id, callback) { var credentials = { key: 'werxhqb98rpaxn39848xrunpaw3489ruxnpa98w4rxn', user: 'steve' }; return callback(null, credentials); }; Hawk.server.authenticate(req, credentialsFunc, { localtimeOffsetMsec: 1353788437000 - Hawk.utils.now() }, function (err, credentials, artifacts) { expect(err).to.exist(); expect(err.message).to.equal('Invalid credentials'); expect(err.output.payload.message).to.equal('An internal server error occurred'); done(); }); }); it('errors on invalid credentials (key)', function (done) { var req = { method: 'GET', url: '/resource/4?filter=a', host: 'example.com', port: 8080, authorization: 'Hawk id="123", ts="1353788437", nonce="k3j4h2", mac="/qwS4UjfVWMcUyW6EEgUH4jlr7T/wuKe3dKijvTvSos=", ext="hello"' }; var credentialsFunc = function (id, callback) { var credentials = { id: '23434d3q4d5345d', user: 'steve' }; return callback(null, credentials); }; Hawk.server.authenticate(req, credentialsFunc, { localtimeOffsetMsec: 1353788437000 - Hawk.utils.now() }, function (err, credentials, artifacts) { expect(err).to.exist(); expect(err.message).to.equal('Invalid credentials'); expect(err.output.payload.message).to.equal('An internal server error occurred'); done(); }); }); it('errors on unknown credentials algorithm', function (done) { var req = { method: 'GET', url: '/resource/4?filter=a', host: 'example.com', port: 8080, authorization: 'Hawk id="123", ts="1353788437", nonce="k3j4h2", mac="/qwS4UjfVWMcUyW6EEgUH4jlr7T/wuKe3dKijvTvSos=", ext="hello"' }; var credentialsFunc = function (id, callback) { var credentials = { key: 'werxhqb98rpaxn39848xrunpaw3489ruxnpa98w4rxn', algorithm: 'hmac-sha-0', user: 'steve' }; return callback(null, credentials); }; Hawk.server.authenticate(req, credentialsFunc, { localtimeOffsetMsec: 1353788437000 - Hawk.utils.now() }, function (err, credentials, artifacts) { expect(err).to.exist(); expect(err.message).to.equal('Unknown algorithm'); expect(err.output.payload.message).to.equal('An internal server error occurred'); done(); }); }); it('errors on unknown bad mac', function (done) { var req = { method: 'GET', url: '/resource/4?filter=a', host: 'example.com', port: 8080, authorization: 'Hawk id="123", ts="1353788437", nonce="k3j4h2", mac="/qwS4UjfVWMcU4jlr7T/wuKe3dKijvTvSos=", ext="hello"' }; var credentialsFunc = function (id, callback) { var credentials = { key: 'werxhqb98rpaxn39848xrunpaw3489ruxnpa98w4rxn', algorithm: 'sha256', user: 'steve' }; return callback(null, credentials); }; Hawk.server.authenticate(req, credentialsFunc, { localtimeOffsetMsec: 1353788437000 - Hawk.utils.now() }, function (err, credentials, artifacts) { expect(err).to.exist(); expect(err.output.payload.message).to.equal('Bad mac'); done(); }); }); }); describe('#header', function () { it('generates header', function (done) { var credentials = { id: '123456', key: 'werxhqb98rpaxn39848xrunpaw3489ruxnpa98w4rxn', algorithm: 'sha256', user: 'steve' }; var artifacts = { method: 'POST', host: 'example.com', port: '8080', resource: '/resource/4?filter=a', ts: '1398546787', nonce: 'xUwusx', hash: 'nJjkVtBE5Y/Bk38Aiokwn0jiJxt/0S2WRSUwWLCf5xk=', ext: 'some-app-data', mac: 'dvIvMThwi28J61Jc3P0ryAhuKpanU63GXdx6hkmQkJA=', id: '123456' }; var header = Hawk.server.header(credentials, artifacts, { payload: 'some reply', contentType: 'text/plain', ext: 'response-specific' }); expect(header).to.equal('Hawk mac=\"n14wVJK4cOxAytPUMc5bPezQzuJGl5n7MYXhFQgEKsE=\", hash=\"f9cDF/TDm7TkYRLnGwRMfeDzT6LixQVLvrIKhh0vgmM=\", ext=\"response-specific\"'); done(); }); it('generates header (empty payload)', function (done) { var credentials = { id: '123456', key: 'werxhqb98rpaxn39848xrunpaw3489ruxnpa98w4rxn', algorithm: 'sha256', user: 'steve' }; var artifacts = { method: 'POST', host: 'example.com', port: '8080', resource: '/resource/4?filter=a', ts: '1398546787', nonce: 'xUwusx', hash: 'nJjkVtBE5Y/Bk38Aiokwn0jiJxt/0S2WRSUwWLCf5xk=', ext: 'some-app-data', mac: 'dvIvMThwi28J61Jc3P0ryAhuKpanU63GXdx6hkmQkJA=', id: '123456' }; var header = Hawk.server.header(credentials, artifacts, { payload: '', contentType: 'text/plain', ext: 'response-specific' }); expect(header).to.equal('Hawk mac=\"i8/kUBDx0QF+PpCtW860kkV/fa9dbwEoe/FpGUXowf0=\", hash=\"q/t+NNAkQZNlq/aAD6PlexImwQTxwgT2MahfTa9XRLA=\", ext=\"response-specific\"'); done(); }); it('generates header (pre calculated hash)', function (done) { var credentials = { id: '123456', key: 'werxhqb98rpaxn39848xrunpaw3489ruxnpa98w4rxn', algorithm: 'sha256', user: 'steve' }; var artifacts = { method: 'POST', host: 'example.com', port: '8080', resource: '/resource/4?filter=a', ts: '1398546787', nonce: 'xUwusx', hash: 'nJjkVtBE5Y/Bk38Aiokwn0jiJxt/0S2WRSUwWLCf5xk=', ext: 'some-app-data', mac: 'dvIvMThwi28J61Jc3P0ryAhuKpanU63GXdx6hkmQkJA=', id: '123456' }; var options = { payload: 'some reply', contentType: 'text/plain', ext: 'response-specific' }; options.hash = Hawk.crypto.calculatePayloadHash(options.payload, credentials.algorithm, options.contentType); var header = Hawk.server.header(credentials, artifacts, options); expect(header).to.equal('Hawk mac=\"n14wVJK4cOxAytPUMc5bPezQzuJGl5n7MYXhFQgEKsE=\", hash=\"f9cDF/TDm7TkYRLnGwRMfeDzT6LixQVLvrIKhh0vgmM=\", ext=\"response-specific\"'); done(); }); it('generates header (null ext)', function (done) { var credentials = { id: '123456', key: 'werxhqb98rpaxn39848xrunpaw3489ruxnpa98w4rxn', algorithm: 'sha256', user: 'steve' }; var artifacts = { method: 'POST', host: 'example.com', port: '8080', resource: '/resource/4?filter=a', ts: '1398546787', nonce: 'xUwusx', hash: 'nJjkVtBE5Y/Bk38Aiokwn0jiJxt/0S2WRSUwWLCf5xk=', mac: 'dvIvMThwi28J61Jc3P0ryAhuKpanU63GXdx6hkmQkJA=', id: '123456' }; var header = Hawk.server.header(credentials, artifacts, { payload: 'some reply', contentType: 'text/plain', ext: null }); expect(header).to.equal('Hawk mac=\"6PrybJTJs20jsgBw5eilXpcytD8kUbaIKNYXL+6g0ns=\", hash=\"f9cDF/TDm7TkYRLnGwRMfeDzT6LixQVLvrIKhh0vgmM=\"'); done(); }); it('errors on missing artifacts', function (done) { var credentials = { id: '123456', key: 'werxhqb98rpaxn39848xrunpaw3489ruxnpa98w4rxn', algorithm: 'sha256', user: 'steve' }; var header = Hawk.server.header(credentials, null, { payload: 'some reply', contentType: 'text/plain', ext: 'response-specific' }); expect(header).to.equal(''); done(); }); it('errors on invalid artifacts', function (done) { var credentials = { id: '123456', key: 'werxhqb98rpaxn39848xrunpaw3489ruxnpa98w4rxn', algorithm: 'sha256', user: 'steve' }; var header = Hawk.server.header(credentials, 5, { payload: 'some reply', contentType: 'text/plain', ext: 'response-specific' }); expect(header).to.equal(''); done(); }); it('errors on missing credentials', function (done) { var artifacts = { method: 'POST', host: 'example.com', port: '8080', resource: '/resource/4?filter=a', ts: '1398546787', nonce: 'xUwusx', hash: 'nJjkVtBE5Y/Bk38Aiokwn0jiJxt/0S2WRSUwWLCf5xk=', ext: 'some-app-data', mac: 'dvIvMThwi28J61Jc3P0ryAhuKpanU63GXdx6hkmQkJA=', id: '123456' }; var header = Hawk.server.header(null, artifacts, { payload: 'some reply', contentType: 'text/plain', ext: 'response-specific' }); expect(header).to.equal(''); done(); }); it('errors on invalid credentials (key)', function (done) { var credentials = { id: '123456', algorithm: 'sha256', user: 'steve' }; var artifacts = { method: 'POST', host: 'example.com', port: '8080', resource: '/resource/4?filter=a', ts: '1398546787', nonce: 'xUwusx', hash: 'nJjkVtBE5Y/Bk38Aiokwn0jiJxt/0S2WRSUwWLCf5xk=', ext: 'some-app-data', mac: 'dvIvMThwi28J61Jc3P0ryAhuKpanU63GXdx6hkmQkJA=', id: '123456' }; var header = Hawk.server.header(credentials, artifacts, { payload: 'some reply', contentType: 'text/plain', ext: 'response-specific' }); expect(header).to.equal(''); done(); }); it('errors on invalid algorithm', function (done) { var credentials = { id: '123456', key: 'werxhqb98rpaxn39848xrunpaw3489ruxnpa98w4rxn', algorithm: 'x', user: 'steve' }; var artifacts = { method: 'POST', host: 'example.com', port: '8080', resource: '/resource/4?filter=a', ts: '1398546787', nonce: 'xUwusx', hash: 'nJjkVtBE5Y/Bk38Aiokwn0jiJxt/0S2WRSUwWLCf5xk=', ext: 'some-app-data', mac: 'dvIvMThwi28J61Jc3P0ryAhuKpanU63GXdx6hkmQkJA=', id: '123456' }; var header = Hawk.server.header(credentials, artifacts, { payload: 'some reply', contentType: 'text/plain', ext: 'response-specific' }); expect(header).to.equal(''); done(); }); }); describe('#authenticateMessage', function () { it('errors on invalid authorization (ts)', function (done) { credentialsFunc('123456', function (err, credentials) { var auth = Hawk.client.message('example.com', 8080, 'some message', { credentials: credentials }); delete auth.ts; Hawk.server.authenticateMessage('example.com', 8080, 'some message', auth, credentialsFunc, {}, function (err, credentials) { expect(err).to.exist(); expect(err.message).to.equal('Invalid authorization'); done(); }); }); }); it('errors on invalid authorization (nonce)', function (done) { credentialsFunc('123456', function (err, credentials) { var auth = Hawk.client.message('example.com', 8080, 'some message', { credentials: credentials }); delete auth.nonce; Hawk.server.authenticateMessage('example.com', 8080, 'some message', auth, credentialsFunc, {}, function (err, credentials) { expect(err).to.exist(); expect(err.message).to.equal('Invalid authorization'); done(); }); }); }); it('errors on invalid authorization (hash)', function (done) { credentialsFunc('123456', function (err, credentials) { var auth = Hawk.client.message('example.com', 8080, 'some message', { credentials: credentials }); delete auth.hash; Hawk.server.authenticateMessage('example.com', 8080, 'some message', auth, credentialsFunc, {}, function (err, credentials) { expect(err).to.exist(); expect(err.message).to.equal('Invalid authorization'); done(); }); }); }); it('errors with credentials', function (done) { credentialsFunc('123456', function (err, credentials) { var auth = Hawk.client.message('example.com', 8080, 'some message', { credentials: credentials }); Hawk.server.authenticateMessage('example.com', 8080, 'some message', auth, function (id, callback) { callback(new Error('something'), { some: 'value' }); }, {}, function (err, credentials) { expect(err).to.exist(); expect(err.message).to.equal('something'); expect(credentials.some).to.equal('value'); done(); }); }); }); }); describe('#authenticatePayloadHash', function () { it('checks payload hash', function (done) { expect(Hawk.server.authenticatePayloadHash('abcdefg', { hash: 'abcdefg' })).to.equal(true); expect(Hawk.server.authenticatePayloadHash('1234567', { hash: 'abcdefg' })).to.equal(false); done(); }); }); }); });