#!/bin/bash set -e echo echo "configuring settings common among OSes" sudo true #zsh if [[ -z $DONT_CHANGE_SHELL ]]; then echo "changing shell to zsh" chsh -s `which zsh` $USER fi #submodules DIR=`realpath $DIR` echo "using $DIR as the top level directory" cd $DIR git submodule init git submodule update --recursive #configs ln -vfs "$DIR/.vim" ~/. ln -vfs "$DIR/.vimrc" ~/. ln -vfs "$DIR/.tmux.conf" ~/. rm -f "~/.zshrc" ln -vfs "$DIR/.zshrc" ~/. ln -vfs "$DIR/.oh-my-zsh" ~/. ln -vfs "$DIR/.oh-my-zsh-plugins/zsh-syntax-highlighting" ~/.oh-my-zsh/custom/plugins/ ln -vfs "$DIR/.Slic3r" ~/. ln -vfs "$DIR/.ghci" ~/. mkdir -p ~/.kde/share/config/ ln -vfs "$DIR/.kdiff3rc" ~/.kde/share/config/kdiff3rc ln -vfs "$DIR/.conky" ~/. ln -vfs "$DIR/.gitconfig.linux.private" ~/.gitconfig mkdir -p ~/.config/autostart/ ln -vfs "$DIR/.config/autostart/conky.desktop" ~/.config/autostart/ mkdir -p ~/.config/todoman/ ln -vfs "$DIR/.config/todoman/todoman.conf" ~/.config/todoman/ mkdir -p ~/.config/vdirsyncer/ ln -vfs "$DIR/.config/vdirsyncer/config" ~/.config/vdirsyncer/ # tools ln -vfs "$DIR/tools" ~/ # stuff that does not like symbolic links mkdir -vp ~/.config/terminator rm -f ~/.config/terminator/config ln "$DIR/.config/terminator/config" ~/.config/terminator/config #install fonts mkdir -p ~/.fonts cp -rv "$DIR/fonts" ~/.fonts fc-cache #rust echo "installing rust" curl -sSf https://static.rust-lang.org/rustup.sh | bash -s -- -y export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/local/lib cd "$DIR/.vim/bundle/racer/" cargo build cd "$DIR/../" echo "getting rust sources..." if [[ ! -d rust ]]; then git clone https://github.com/rust-lang/rust.git else cd rust git pull fi #rvm gpg --recv-keys BF04FF17 curl -sSL https://get.rvm.io | bash -s stable source $HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm rvm install ruby # talks: reveal-md sudo ln -vfs /usr/bin/nodejs /usr/bin/node sudo npm install -g reveal-md # TODOs + sync echo "installing todoman" cd "$DIR/common/todoman/" sudo python3 setup.py install echo "installing vdirsyncer" sudo pip install vdirsyncer echo echo "now go ahead and restart" echo