 * Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
"use strict";
// https://docs.docker.com/reference/builder/
    'FROM': ("Sets the **Base Image** for subsequent instructions."),
    'MAINTAINER': ("Set the **Author** field of the generated images."),
    'RUN': ("Executes any commands in a new layer on top of the current image and commits the results."),
    'CMD': ("Provides defaults for an executing container."),
    'LABEL': ("Adds metadata to an image. A **LABEL** is a key-value pair."),
    'EXPOSE': ("Informs Docker that the container will listen on the specified network ports at runtime."),
    'ENV': ("Sets the environment variable `key` to the value `value`."),
    'ADD': ("The **ADD** instruction copies new files, directories or remote file URLs from `src` and adds them " +
        "to the filesystem of the container at the path `dest`."),
    'COPY': ("Copies new files or directories from `src` and adds them to the filesystem of the container at the path `dest`."),
    'ENTRYPOINT': ("Configures a container that will run as an executable."),
    'VOLUME': ("Creates a mount point with the specified name and marks it as holding externally mounted volumes " +
        "from native host or other containers."),
    'USER': ("Sets the user name or UID to use when running the image and for any `RUN`, `CMD` and `ENTRYPOINT` " +
        "instructions that follow it in the Dockerfile."),
    'WORKDIR': ("Sets the working directory for any `RUN`, `CMD`, `ENTRYPOINT`, `COPY` and `ADD` instructions that follow it in the Dockerfile."),
    'ONBUILD': ("Adds to the image a trigger instruction to be executed at a later time, when the image is used as the " +
        "base for another build."),
    'STOPSIGNAL': ("Sets the system call signal that will be sent to the container to exit.")
//# sourceMappingURL=dockerfileKeyInfo.js.map