var vscode = require('vscode'); var cp = require('child_process'); var pathService_1 = require('./pathService'); function formatRustfmtCommand(fileName, writeMode) { return pathService_1.PathService.getRustfmtPath() + ' --write-mode=' + writeMode + ' ' + fileName; } var FormatService = (function () { function FormatService() { this.writeMode = 'display'; this.writeMode = 'display'; } FormatService.prototype.provideDocumentFormattingEdits = function (document) { var _this = this; return () { return _this.performFormatFile(document, _this.writeMode); }); }; FormatService.prototype.performFormatFile = function (document, writeMode) { return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { var fileName = document.fileName; var command = formatRustfmtCommand(fileName, writeMode); cp.exec(command, function (err, stdout, stderr) { try { if (err && err.code == 'ENOENT') { vscode.window.showInformationMessage('The "rustfmt" command is not available. Make sure it is installed.'); return resolve(null); } if (err) return reject('Cannot format due to syntax errors'); // Need this to remove label of rustfmt output var text = stdout.toString().split('\n').slice(2).join('\n'); //TODO: implement parsing of rustfmt output with 'diff' writemode var lastLine = document.lineCount; var lastLineLastCol = document.lineAt(lastLine - 1).range.end.character; var range = new vscode.Range(0, 0, lastLine - 1, lastLineLastCol); return resolve([new vscode.TextEdit(range, text)]); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }); }); }; return FormatService; })(); exports.FormatService = FormatService; //#