{ config, pkgs, inputs, lib, nixpkgs-nixos-unstable-and-unfree, ... }: let system_cert_bundle_path = "${pkgs.cacert}/etc/ssl/certs/ca-bundle.crt"; form3_cert_path = ./form3-palo-alto.pem; form3_cert_bundle = builtins.toFile "form3-cert-bundle.crt" (builtins.readFile system_cert_bundle_path + builtins.readFile form3_cert_path); in { environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [vim nixfmt]; imports = [../../git ../../mercurial]; services.nix-daemon.enable = true; nix = { useDaemon = true; gc.automatic = true; package = pkgs.nixUnstable; extraOptions = '' experimental-features = nix-command flakes ''; }; fonts.fontDir.enable = true; fonts.fonts = with pkgs; [ nerdfonts fira-code font-awesome material-icons powerline-fonts source-code-pro weather-icons ]; security.pki.certificateFiles = [form3_cert_path system_cert_bundle_path]; environment.variables = { SSL_CERT_FILE = form3_cert_bundle; NIX_SSL_CERT_FILE = form3_cert_bundle; BUNDLE_SSL_CA_CERT = form3_cert_bundle; CARGO_NET_GIT_FETCH_WITH_CLI = "true"; }; programs.zsh.enable = true; system.stateVersion = 4; home-manager.users.cyryl = {...}: { imports = []; home.packages = with pkgs; [awscli kubectl cargo-update]; programs = { git.userEmail = lib.mkForce "cyryl.plotnicki@form3.tech"; git.extraConfig = { user.signingkey = "6441B1BC81F8FB1561C9AFF5534222210FE423ED"; commit.gpgsign = true; "url \"git@github.com:\"".insteadOf = "https://github.com/"; }; gpg.enable = true; gpg.homedir = "/Users/cyryl/.gnupg"; zsh.loginExtra = '' eval "$(/opt/homebrew/bin/brew shellenv)" ''; }; }; }