var RcLoader = require('../'); var fs = require('fs'); var _ = require('lodash'); var should = require('should'); var fixtures = { root: __dirname + '/fixtures/foo/foo/foo/foo/', json: __dirname + '/fixtures/foo/bar.json', text: __dirname + '/fixtures/foo/foo/.baz', rc: __dirname + '/.jshintrc', }; fixtures.barJson = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(fixtures.json)); fixtures.jshintrc = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(fixtures.rc)); describe('RcLoader', function () { it('loads a config file relative to another file', function () { var loader = new RcLoader('bar.json'); loader.for(fixtures.root).should.eql(fixtures.barJson); }); it('passes the constructors third arg to RcFinder', function () { var count = 0; var loader = new RcLoader('bar.json', null, { loader: function (path) { count ++; return JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(path)); } }); loader.for(fixtures.root); count.should.eql(1); }); it('merges in all levels of inline configuration values', function () { var loader = new RcLoader('.baz', { baz: 'bar', from: 'defaults', qux: { fart: true, smell: { good: false } } }); loader.for(fixtures.root).should.eql({ baz: 'bar', from: 'defaults', qux: { fart: true, smell: { good: false } } }); }); it('accepts a string which disables lookup and always responds with it\'s contents', function () { var loader = new RcLoader('.jshintrc', fixtures.json); loader.for(__filename).should.eql(fixtures.barJson); }); it('does not lookup files when { lookup: false }', function (done) { var loader = new RcLoader('bar.json', { lookup: false }, { loader: function () { throw new Error('should not have been called'); } }); loader.for(fixtures.root, function (err, opts) { opts.should.eql({}); done(); }); }); it('accepts a path at { defaultFile: "..." }', function (done) { var loader = new RcLoader('bar.json', { defaultFile: __dirname + '/.jshintrc' }); var count = 0; loader.for(fixtures.root, function (err, opts) { count.should.eql(1); opts.should.eql(_.merge({}, fixtures.jshintrc, fixtures.barJson)); done(); }); count++; }); it('waits for the config to load before responding', function (done) { // write the time that different paths are looked-up and complete var start = {}; var stop = {}; var now = function () { var t = process.hrtime(); return t[0] * 1000 + t[1] / 1000; }; var onAfterDone = []; // loader with a defaults file which also looks up relative files var loader = new RcLoader('.jshintrc', { lookup: true, defaultFile: fixtures.json }, { loader: function (path, _cb) { start[path] = now(); var done = function (err, contents) { stop[path] = now(); onAfterDone.splice(0).forEach(function (fn) { fn(); }); _cb(err, JSON.parse('' + contents)); }; if (path === fixtures.json) { done = _.partial(function forceCompletionOrder(origDone, err, contents) { (function checkThatRcStopped() { // only call the original done function once rc is done if (stop[fixtures.rc]) origDone(err, contents); // if not done yet then reschedule else onAfterDone.push(checkThatRcStopped); }()); }, done); } fs.readFile(path, done); } }); loader.for(fixtures.json, function (err, config) { should.not.exist(err); // bar.json file should have loaded successfully should.exist(start[fixtures.json]); should.exist(stop[fixtures.json]); // .jshintrc file should have loaded successfully should.exist(start[fixtures.rc]); should.exist(stop[fixtures.rc]); // .jshintrc file should have finished loading before the config stop[fixtures.rc][fixtures.json]); // but config should still include the non-overriden property config.baz.should.equal(fixtures.barJson.baz); // and config should have strict overridden config.strict.should.equal(fixtures.jshintrc.strict); done(); }); }); });