update steps to bootstrap

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Cyryl Płotnicki 2021-04-03 09:54:58 +01:00
parent 004b455a27
commit c43dce6016

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@ -1,12 +1,25 @@
My dotfiles - including my vim, terminal and font configs.
Mostly focusing on setting things up on NixOS, but supporting other OSes where posible.
Mostly focusing on setting things up on NixOS, but supporting other OSes where possible.
bootstrap new machine with NixOS:
1. Launch [NixOS livecd](https://nixos.org/nixos/download.html).
1. `[livecd]` `curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cyplo/dotfiles/master/nixos/bootstrap-livecd.sh | bash` or `curl -L https://with.lv/jXfyJo | bash`
2. Reboot into the system running from the disk drive.
3. Launch `curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cyplo/dotfiles/master/nixos/bootstrap-rebooted.sh | bash` from the installed system.
1. boot the target machine from the livecd
1. change password for the default user `nixos`
1. ssh from another, already bootstrapped, machine
1. `sudo su -`
1. `yes | parted /dev/sda -- mklabel gpt`
1. [ ] LUKS !
1. `parted /dev/sda -- mkpart ESP fat32 1MiB 1GiB`
1. `parted /dev/sda -- set 1 esp on`
1. `parted /dev/sda -- mkpart primary btrfs 1GiB -8193MiB`
1. http://opensource.hqcodeshop.com/Parted%20calculator/parted_mkpart_calc.sh
1. `parted /dev/sda -- mkpart primary linux-swap XXX 100%`
1. `mkfs.fat -F 32 -n boot /dev/sda1`
1. `mkfs.btrfs -L nixos /dev/sda2`
1. `mkswap -L swap /dev/sda3`
1. `mount /dev/disk/by-label/nixos /mnt`
1. `mkdir -p /mnt/boot`
1. `mount /dev/disk/by-label/boot /mnt/boot`
1. `swapon /dev/sda3`
1. `nixos-generate-config --root /mnt`
1. `vim /mnt/etc/nixos/configuration.nix`