kitty solarized dark

This commit is contained in:
Cyryl Płotnicki 2023-06-21 10:14:12 +01:00
parent e0608fd176
commit 7e69af3214
2 changed files with 4 additions and 25 deletions

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@ -62,8 +62,7 @@
home-manager.users.cyryl = { ... }: {
imports =
[ ../../home-manager/programs/alacritty.nix ../../gui/vscode.nix ];
imports = [ ../../home-manager/programs/kitty.nix ../../gui/vscode.nix ];
home.packages =
with inputs.nixpkgs-nixos-unstable.legacyPackages."x86_64-linux";
[ bisq-desktop ] ++

View file

@ -3,36 +3,16 @@
programs.kitty = {
enable = true;
shellIntegration.enableZshIntegration = true;
theme = "Solarized Dark";
settings = {
enable_audio_bell = false;
font_size = "16.0";
font_size = "12.0";
font_family = "BerkeleyMono Nerd Font";
bold_font = "auto";
italic_font = "auto";
bold_italic_font = "auto";
background = "#001e26";
foreground = "#708183";
selection_foreground = "#93a1a1";
selection_background = "#002b36";
cursor = "#708183";
color0 = "#002731";
color1 = "#d01b24";
color2 = "#728905";
color3 = "#a57705";
color4 = "#2075c7";
color5 = "#c61b6e";
color6 = "#259185";
color7 = "#e9e2cb";
color8 = "#001e26";
color9 = "#bd3612";
color10 = "#465a61";
color11 = "#52676f";
color12 = "#708183";
color13 = "#5856b9";
color14 = "#81908f";
color15 = "#fcf4dc";