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--- a/.vscode/extensions/dbankier.vscode-instant-markdown-0.1.0/node_modules/instant-markdown-d/instant-markdown-d
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-':' //; exec "`command -v nodejs || command -v node`" "$0"
-var MarkdownIt = require('markdown-it');
-var hljs = require('highlight.js');
-var server = require('http').createServer(httpHandler),
- exec = require('child_process').exec,
- io = require('socket.io').listen(server),
- send = require('send'),
- server,
- socket;
-var md = new MarkdownIt({
- html: true,
- linkify: true,
- highlight: function(str, lang) {
- if (lang && hljs.getLanguage(lang)) {
- try {
- return hljs.highlight(lang, str).value;
- } catch (err) {
- // Do nothing
- }
- } else {
- return str;
- }
- }
-function writeMarkdown(input, output) {
- var body = '';
- input.on('data', function(data) {
- body += data;
- if (body.length > 1e6) {
- throw new Error('The request body is too long.');
- }
- });
- input.on('end', function() {
- output.emit('newContent', md.render(body));
- });
-function httpHandler(req, res) {
- switch(req.method)
- {
- case 'GET':
- // Example: /my-repo/raw/master/sub-dir/some.png
- var githubUrl = req.url.match(/\/[^\/]+\/raw\/[^\/]+\/(.+)/);
- if (githubUrl) {
- // Serve the file out of the current working directory
- send(req, githubUrl[1])
- .root(process.cwd())
- .pipe(res);
- return;
- }
- // Otherwise serve the file from the directory this module is in
- send(req, req.url)
- .root(__dirname)
- .pipe(res);
- break;
- // case 'HEAD':
- // res.writeHead(200);
- // res.end();
- // exec('open -g http://localhost:8090', function(error, stdout, stderr){
- // http.request({port: 8090})
- // });
- // break;
- case 'DELETE':
- socket.emit('die');
- process.exit();
- break;
- case 'PUT':
- writeMarkdown(req, socket);
- res.writeHead(200);
- res.end();
- break;
- default:
- }
-io.set('log level', 1);
-io.sockets.on('connection', function(sock){
- socket = sock;
- process.stdout.write('connection established!');
- writeMarkdown(process.stdin, socket);
- process.stdin.resume();
-if (process.platform.toLowerCase().indexOf('darwin') >= 0){
- exec('open -g http://localhost:8090', function(error, stdout, stderr){});
-else { // assume unix/linux
- exec('xdg-open http://localhost:8090', function(error, stdout, stderr){});
diff --git a/.vscode/extensions/dbankier.vscode-instant-markdown-0.1.0/node_modules/instant-markdown-d/node_modules/.bin/markdown-it b/.vscode/extensions/dbankier.vscode-instant-markdown-0.1.0/node_modules/instant-markdown-d/node_modules/.bin/markdown-it
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index 290c3ae1..00000000
--- a/.vscode/extensions/dbankier.vscode-instant-markdown-0.1.0/node_modules/instant-markdown-d/node_modules/.bin/markdown-it
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,105 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env node
-/*eslint no-console:0*/
-'use strict';
-var fs = require('fs');
-var argparse = require('argparse');
-var cli = new argparse.ArgumentParser({
- prog: 'markdown-it',
- version: require('../package.json').version,
- addHelp: true
-cli.addArgument([ '--no-html' ], {
- help: 'Disable embedded HTML',
- action: 'storeTrue'
-cli.addArgument([ '-l', '--linkify' ], {
- help: 'Autolink text',
- action: 'storeTrue'
-cli.addArgument([ '-t', '--typographer' ], {
- help: 'Enable smartquotes and other typographic replacements',
- action: 'storeTrue'
-cli.addArgument([ '--trace' ], {
- help: 'Show stack trace on error',
- action: 'storeTrue'
-cli.addArgument([ 'file' ], {
- help: 'File to read',
- nargs: '?',
- defaultValue: '-'
-var options = cli.parseArgs();
-function readFile(filename, encoding, callback) {
- if (options.file === '-') {
- // read from stdin
- var chunks = [];
- process.stdin.on('data', function(chunk) { chunks.push(chunk); });
- process.stdin.on('end', function() {
- return callback(null, Buffer.concat(chunks).toString(encoding));
- });
- } else {
- fs.readFile(filename, encoding, callback);
- }
-readFile(options.file, 'utf8', function (err, input) {
- var output, md;
- if (err) {
- if (err.code === 'ENOENT') {
- console.error('File not found: ' + options.file);
- process.exit(2);
- }
- console.error(
- options.trace && err.stack ||
- err.message ||
- String(err));
- process.exit(1);
- }
- md = require('..')({
- html: !options['no-html'],
- xhtmlOut: false,
- typographer: options.typographer,
- linkify: options.linkify
- });
- try {
- output = md.render(input);
- } catch (e) {
- console.error(
- options.trace && e.stack ||
- e.message ||
- String(e));
- process.exit(1);
- }
- process.stdout.write(output);
- process.exit(0);
diff --git a/.vscode/extensions/dbankier.vscode-instant-markdown-0.1.0/node_modules/instant-markdown-d/node_modules/highlight.js/LICENSE b/.vscode/extensions/dbankier.vscode-instant-markdown-0.1.0/node_modules/instant-markdown-d/node_modules/highlight.js/LICENSE
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--- a/.vscode/extensions/dbankier.vscode-instant-markdown-0.1.0/node_modules/instant-markdown-d/node_modules/highlight.js/LICENSE
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@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (c) 2006, Ivan Sagalaev
-All rights reserved.
-Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
-modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
- * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
- * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
- documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
- * Neither the name of highlight.js nor the names of its contributors
- may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
- without specific prior written permission.
diff --git a/.vscode/extensions/dbankier.vscode-instant-markdown-0.1.0/node_modules/instant-markdown-d/node_modules/highlight.js/README.md b/.vscode/extensions/dbankier.vscode-instant-markdown-0.1.0/node_modules/instant-markdown-d/node_modules/highlight.js/README.md
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--- a/.vscode/extensions/dbankier.vscode-instant-markdown-0.1.0/node_modules/instant-markdown-d/node_modules/highlight.js/README.md
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@@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
-# Highlight.js
-[![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/isagalaev/highlight.js.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/isagalaev/highlight.js)
-Highlight.js is a syntax highlighter written in JavaScript. It works in
-the browser as well as on the server. It works with pretty much any
-markup, doesn’t depend on any framework and has automatic language
-## Getting Started
-The bare minimum for using highlight.js on a web page is linking to the
-library along with one of the styles and calling
-This will find and highlight code inside of `
` tags; it tries
-to detect the language automatically. If automatic detection doesn’t
-work for you, you can specify the language in the `class` attribute:
-The list of supported language classes is available in the [class
-reference][2]. Classes can also be prefixed with either `language-` or
-To disable highlighting altogether use the `nohighlight` class:
-## Custom Initialization
-When you need a bit more control over the initialization of
-highlight.js, you can use the [`highlightBlock`][3] and [`configure`][4]
-functions. This allows you to control *what* to highlight and *when*.
-Here’s an equivalent way to calling [`initHighlightingOnLoad`][1] using
-$(document).ready(function() {
- $('pre code').each(function(i, block) {
- hljs.highlightBlock(block);
- });
-You can use any tags instead of `
` to mark up your code. If
-you don't use a container that preserve line breaks you will need to
-configure highlight.js to use the ` ` tag:
-hljs.configure({useBR: true});
-$('div.code').each(function(i, block) {
- hljs.highlightBlock(block);
-For other options refer to the documentation for [`configure`][4].
-## Getting the Library
-You can get highlight.js as a hosted, or custom-build, browser script or
-as a server module. Right out of the box the browser script supports
-both AMD and CommonJS, so if you wish you can use RequireJS or
-Browserify without having to build from source. The server module also
-works perfectly fine with Browserify, but there is the option to use a
-build specific to browsers rather than something meant for a server.
-Head over to the [download page][5] for all the options.
-**Note:** the library is not supposed to work straight from the source
-on GitHub; it requires building. If none of the pre-packaged options
-work for you refer to the [building documentation][6].
-## License
-Highlight.js is released under the BSD License. See [LICENSE][7] file
-for details.
-## Links
-The official site for the library is at .
-Further in-depth documentation for the API and other topics is at
-Authors and contributors are listed in the [AUTHORS.en.txt][8] file.
-[1]: http://highlightjs.readthedocs.org/en/latest/api.html#inithighlightingonload
-[2]: http://highlightjs.readthedocs.org/en/latest/css-classes-reference.html
-[3]: http://highlightjs.readthedocs.org/en/latest/api.html#highlightblock-block
-[4]: http://highlightjs.readthedocs.org/en/latest/api.html#configure-options
-[5]: https://highlightjs.org/download/
-[6]: http://highlightjs.readthedocs.org/en/latest/building-testing.html
-[7]: https://github.com/isagalaev/highlight.js/blob/master/LICENSE
-[8]: https://github.com/isagalaev/highlight.js/blob/master/AUTHORS.en.txt
diff --git a/.vscode/extensions/dbankier.vscode-instant-markdown-0.1.0/node_modules/instant-markdown-d/node_modules/highlight.js/docs/api.rst b/.vscode/extensions/dbankier.vscode-instant-markdown-0.1.0/node_modules/instant-markdown-d/node_modules/highlight.js/docs/api.rst
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-Library API
-Highlight.js exports a few functions as methods of the ``hljs`` object.
-``highlight(name, value, ignore_illegals, continuation)``
-Core highlighting function.
-Accepts a language name, or an alias, and a string with the code to highlight.
-The ``ignore_illegals`` parameter, when present and evaluates to a true value,
-forces highlighting to finish even in case of detecting illegal syntax for the
-language instead of throwing an exception.
-The ``continuation`` is an optional mode stack representing unfinished parsing.
-When present, the function will restart parsing from this state instead of
-initializing a new one.
-Returns an object with the following properties:
-* ``language``: language name, same as the one passed into a function, returned for consistency with ``highlightAuto``
-* ``relevance``: integer value
-* ``value``: HTML string with highlighting markup
-* ``top``: top of the current mode stack
-``highlightAuto(value, languageSubset)``
-Highlighting with language detection.
-Accepts a string with the code to highlight and an optional array of language names and aliases restricting detection to only those languages. The subset can also be set with ``configure``, but the local parameter overrides the option if set.
-Returns an object with the following properties:
-* ``language``: detected language
-* ``relevance``: integer value
-* ``value``: HTML string with highlighting markup
-* ``second_best``: object with the same structure for second-best heuristically detected language, may be absent
-Post-processing of the highlighted markup. Currently consists of replacing indentation TAB characters and using `` `` tags instead of new-line characters. Options are set globally with ``configure``.
-Accepts a string with the highlighted markup.
-Applies highlighting to a DOM node containing code.
-This function is the one to use to apply highlighting dynamically after page load
-or within initialization code of third-party Javascript frameworks.
-The function uses language detection by default but you can specify the language
-in the ``class`` attribute of the DOM node. See the :doc:`class reference
-` for all available language names and aliases.
-Configures global options:
-* ``tabReplace``: a string used to replace TAB characters in indentation.
-* ``useBR``: a flag to generate `` `` tags instead of new-line characters in the output, useful when code is marked up using a non-``
`` container.
-* ``classPrefix``: a string prefix added before class names in the generated markup, used for backwards compatibility with stylesheets.
-* ``languages``: an array of language names and aliases restricting auto detection to only these languages.
-Accepts an object representing options with the values to updated. Other options don't change
- hljs.configure({
- tabReplace: ' ', // 4 spaces
- classPrefix: '' // don't append class prefix
- // … other options aren't changed
- })
- hljs.initHighlighting();
-Applies highlighting to all ``
`` blocks on a page.
-Attaches highlighting to the page load event.
-``registerLanguage(name, language)``
-Adds new language to the library under the specified name. Used mostly internally.
-* ``name``: a string with the name of the language being registered
-* ``language``: a function that returns an object which represents the
- language definition. The function is passed the ``hljs`` object to be able
- to use common regular expressions defined within it.
-Returns the languages names list.
-.. _getLanguage:
-Looks up a language by name or alias.
-Returns the language object if found, ``undefined`` otherwise.
diff --git a/.vscode/extensions/dbankier.vscode-instant-markdown-0.1.0/node_modules/instant-markdown-d/node_modules/highlight.js/docs/building-testing.rst b/.vscode/extensions/dbankier.vscode-instant-markdown-0.1.0/node_modules/instant-markdown-d/node_modules/highlight.js/docs/building-testing.rst
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-Building and testing
-To actually run highlight.js it is necessary to build it for the environment
-where you're going to run it: a browser, the node.js server, etc.
-The build tool is written in JavaScript using node.js. Before running the
-script, make sure to have node installed and run ``npm install`` to get the
-The tool is located in ``tools/build.js``. A few useful examples:
-* Build for a browser using only common languages::
- node tools/build.js :common
-* Build for node.js including all available languages::
- node tools/build.js -t node
-* Build two specific languages for debugging, skipping compression in this case::
- node tools/build.js -n python ruby
-On some systems the node binary is named ``nodejs``; simply replace ``node``
-with ``nodejs`` in the examples above if that is the case.
-The full option reference is available with the usual ``--help`` option.
-The build result will be in the ``build/`` directory.
-.. _basic-testing:
-Basic testing
-The usual approach to debugging and testing a language is first doing it
-visually. You need to build highlight.js with only the language you're working
-on (without compression, to have readable code in browser error messages) and
-then use the Developer tool in ``tools/developer.html`` to see how it highlights
-a test snippet in that language.
-A test snippet should be short and give the idea of the overall look of the
-language. It shouldn't include every possible syntactic element and shouldn't
-even make practical sense.
-After you satisfied with the result you need to make sure that language
-detection still works with your language definition included in the whole suite.
-Testing is done using `Mocha `_ and the
-files are found in the ``test/`` directory. You can use the node build to
-run the tests in the command line with ``npm test`` after installing the
-dependencies with ``npm install``.
-**Note**: for Debian-based machine, like Ubuntu, you might need to create an
-alias or symbolic link for nodejs to node. The reason for this is the
-dependencies that are requires to test highlight.js has a reference to
-Place the snippet you used inside the browser in
-``test/detect//default.txt``, build the package with all the languages
-for node and run the test suite. If your language breaks auto-detection, it
-should be fixed by :ref:`improving relevance `, which is a black art
-in and of itself. When in doubt, please refer to the discussion group!
-Testing markup
-You can also provide additional markup tests for the language to test isolated
-cases of various syntactic construct. If your language has 19 different string
-literals or complicated heuristics for telling division (``/``) apart from
-regexes (``/ .. /``) -- this is the place.
-A test case consists of two files:
-* ``test/markup//.txt``: test code
-* ``test/markup//.expect.txt``: reference rendering
-To generate reference rendering use the Developer tool located at
-``tools/developer.html``. Make sure to explicitly select your language in the
-drop-down menu, as automatic detection is unlikely to work in this case.
diff --git a/.vscode/extensions/dbankier.vscode-instant-markdown-0.1.0/node_modules/instant-markdown-d/node_modules/highlight.js/docs/css-classes-reference.rst b/.vscode/extensions/dbankier.vscode-instant-markdown-0.1.0/node_modules/instant-markdown-d/node_modules/highlight.js/docs/css-classes-reference.rst
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@@ -1,1558 +0,0 @@
-CSS classes reference
-This is a full list of available classes corresponding to languages'
-syntactic structures. The parentheses after language name contain identifiers
-used as class names in ```` element.
-Gams ("gms", "gams")
-* ``section``: section
-* ``keyword``: keyword
-* ``number``: number
-* ``string``: string
-Python ("python", "py", "gyp")
-* ``keyword``: keyword
-* ``built_in``: built-in objects (None, False, True and Ellipsis)
-* ``number``: number
-* ``string``: string (of any type)
-* ``comment``: comment
-* ``decorator``: @-decorator for functions
-* ``function``: function header "def some_name(...):"
-* ``class``: class header "class SomeName(...):"
-* ``title``: name of a function or a class inside a header
-* ``params``: everything inside parentheses in a function's or class' header
-Python profiler results ("profile")
-* ``number``: number
-* ``string``: string
-* ``built_in``: built-in function entry
-* ``filename``: filename in an entry
-* ``summary``: profiling summary
-* ``header``: header of table of results
-* ``keyword``: column header
-* ``function``: function name in an entry (including parentheses)
-* ``title``: actual name of a function in an entry (excluding parentheses)
-* ``prompt``: interpreter prompt (>>> or ...)
-Ruby ("ruby", "rb", "gemspec", "podspec", "thor", "irb")
-* ``keyword``: keyword
-* ``string``: string
-* ``subst``: in-string substitution (#{...})
-* ``comment``: comment
-* ``doctag``: YARD doctag
-* ``function``: function header "def some_name(...):"
-* ``class``: class header "class SomeName(...):"
-* ``title``: name of a function or a class inside a header
-* ``parent``: name of a parent class
-* ``symbol``: symbol
-* ``input``: complete input line (interpreter)
-* ``output``: complete output line (interpreter)
-* ``prompt``: interpreter prompt (>>)
-* ``status``: interpreter response (=>)
-Haml ("haml")
-* ``tag``: any tag starting with "%"
-* ``title``: tag's name
-* ``attribute``: tag's attribute
-* ``keyword``: tag's attribute that is a keyword
-* ``string``: attribute's value that is a string
-* ``value``: attribute's value, shorthand id or class for tag
-* ``comment``: comment
-* ``doctype``: !!! declaration
-* ``bullet``: line defined by variable
-Perl ("perl", "pl")
-* ``keyword``: keyword
-* ``comment``: comment
-* ``number``: number
-* ``string``: string
-* ``regexp``: regular expression
-* ``sub``: subroutine header (from "sub" till "{")
-* ``variable``: variable starting with "$", "%", "@"
-* ``operator``: operator
-* ``pod``: plain old doc
-PHP ("php", "php3", "php4", "php5", "php6")
-* ``keyword``: keyword
-* ``number``: number
-* ``string``: string (of any type)
-* ``comment``: comment
-* ``doctag``: phpdoc params in comments
-* ``variable``: variable starting with "$"
-* ``preprocessor``: preprocessor marks: ""
-* ``class``: class header
-* ``function``: header of a function
-* ``title``: name of a function inside a header
-* ``params``: parentheses and everything inside them in a function's header
-Scala ("scala")
-* ``keyword``: keyword
-* ``number``: number
-* ``string``: string
-* ``comment``: comment
-* ``doctag``: @-tag in javadoc comment
-* ``annotation``: annotation
-* ``class``: class header
-* ``title``: class name inside a header
-* ``params``: everything in parentheses inside a class header
-* ``inheritance``: keywords "extends" and "with" inside class header
-Groovy ("groovy")
-* ``keyword``: keyword
-* ``number``: number
-* ``string``: string, map string keys and named argument labels
-* ``regex``: regular expression
-* ``comment``: comment
-* ``doctag``: @-tag in javadoc comment
-* ``annotation``: annotation
-* ``class``: class header
-* ``title``: class name inside a header
-* ``label``: label
-* ``shebang``: Groovy shell script header
-Go ("go", "golang")
-* ``comment``: comment
-* ``string``: string constant
-* ``number``: number
-* ``keyword``: language keywords
-* ``constant``: true false nil iota
-* ``typename``: built-in plain types (int, string etc.)
-* ``built_in``: built-in functions
-Golo ("golo", "gololang")
-* ``keyword``: language keywords
-* ``literal``: true false null
-* ``typename``: Golo type objects (DynamicObject, struct, ...)
-* ``annotation``: decorator
-Gradle ("gradle")
-* ``keyword``: keyword
-* ``number``: number
-* ``string``: string and character
-* ``comment``: comment
-* ``regexp``: regular expression
-HTML, XML ("xml", "html", "xhtml", "rss", "atom", "xsl", "plist")
-* ``tag``: any tag from "<" till ">"
-* ``attribute``: tag's attribute with or without value
-* ``value``: attribute's value
-* ``comment``: comment
-* ``pi``: processing instruction ( ... ?>)
-* ``doctype``: declaration
-* ``cdata``: CDATA section
-Lasso ("lasso", "ls", "lassoscript")
-* ``preprocessor``: delimiters and interpreter flags
-* ``shebang``: Lasso 9 shell script header
-* ``comment``: single- or multi-line comment
-* ``keyword``: keyword
-* ``literal``: keyword representing a value
-* ``built_in``: built-in types and variables
-* ``number``: number
-* ``string``: string
-* ``variable``: variable reference starting with "#" or "$"
-* ``tag``: tag literal
-* ``attribute``: named or rest parameter in method signature
-* ``subst``: unary/binary/ternary operator symbols
-* ``class``: type, trait, or method header
-* ``title``: name following "define" inside a header
-CSS ("css")
-* ``tag``: tag in selectors
-* ``id``: #some_name in selectors
-* ``class``: .some_name in selectors
-* ``at_rule``: @-rule till first "{" or ";"
-* ``keyword``: name of @-rule after @ sign
-* ``attr_selector``: attribute selector (square brackets in a[href^=http://])
-* ``pseudo``: pseudo classes and elements (:after, ::after etc.)
-* ``comment``: comment
-* ``rules``: everything from "{" till "}"
-* ``rule``: rule itself — everything inside "{" and "}"
-* ``attribute``: property name inside a rule
-* ``value``: property value inside a rule, from ":" till ";" or till the end of rule block
-* ``number``: number within a value
-* ``string``: string within a value
-* ``hexcolor``: hex color (#FFFFFF) within a value
-* ``function``: CSS function within a value
-* ``important``: "!important" symbol
-SCSS ("scss")
-* ``tag``: tag in selectors
-* ``id``: #some_name in selectors
-* ``class``: .some_name in selectors
-* ``at_rule``: @-rule till first "{" or ";"
-* ``attr_selector``: attribute selector (square brackets in a[href^=http://])
-* ``pseudo``: pseudo classes and elements (:after, ::after etc.)
-* ``comment``: comment
-* ``rules``: everything from "{" till "}"
-* ``attribute``: property name inside a rule
-* ``value``: property value inside a rule, from ":" till ";" or till the end of rule block
-* ``number``: number within a value
-* ``string``: string within a value
-* ``hexcolor``: hex color (#FFFFFF) within a value
-* ``function``: CSS function within a value
-* ``important``: "!important" symbol
-* ``variable``: variable starting with "$"
-* ``preprocessor``: keywords after @
-Less ("less")
-* ``comment``: comment
-* ``number``: number
-* ``string``: string
-* ``attribute``: property name
-* ``variable``: @var, @@var or @{var}
-* ``keyword``: Less keywords (when, extend etc.)
-* ``function``: Less and CSS functions (rgba, unit etc.)
-* ``tag``: tag
-* ``id``: #id
-* ``class``: .class
-* ``at_rule``: at-rule keyword (@media, @keyframes etc.)
-* ``attr_selector``: attribute selector (e.g. [href^=http://])
-* ``pseudo``: pseudo classes and elements (:hover, ::before etc.)
-* ``hexcolor``: hex color (#FFF)
-* ``built_in``: inline javascript (or whatever host language) string
-Stylus ("stylus", "styl")
-* ``at_rule``: @-rule till first "{" or ";"
-* ``attribute``: property name inside a rule
-* ``class``: .some_name in selectors
-* ``comment``: comment
-* ``function``: Stylus function
-* ``hexcolor``: hex color (#FFFFFF) within a value
-* ``id``: #some_name in selectors
-* ``number``: number within a value
-* ``pseudo``: pseudo classes and elements (:after, ::after etc.)
-* ``string``: string within a value
-* ``tag``: tag in selectors
-* ``variable``: variable starting with "$"
-Markdown ("markdown", "md", "mkdown", "mkd")
-* ``header``: header
-* ``bullet``: list bullet
-* ``emphasis``: emphasis
-* ``strong``: strong emphasis
-* ``blockquote``: blockquote
-* ``code``: code
-* ``horizontal_rule``: horizontal rule
-* ``link_label``: link label
-* ``link_url``: link url
-* ``link_reference``: link reference
-AsciiDoc ("asciidoc", "adoc")
-* ``header``: heading
-* ``bullet``: list or labeled bullet
-* ``emphasis``: emphasis
-* ``strong``: strong emphasis
-* ``blockquote``: blockquote
-* ``code``: inline or block code
-* ``horizontal_rule``: horizontal rule
-* ``link_label``: link or image label
-* ``link_url``: link or image url
-* ``comment``: comment
-* ``attribute``: document attribute, block attributes
-* ``label``: admonition label
-Django ("django", "jinja")
-* ``keyword``: HTML tag in HTML, default tags and default filters in templates
-* ``tag``: any tag from "<" till ">"
-* ``comment``: template comment, both {# .. #} and {% comment %}
-* ``doctype``: declaration
-* ``attribute``: tag's attribute with or without value
-* ``value``: attribute's value
-* ``template_tag``: template tag {% .. %}
-* ``variable``: template variable {{ .. }}
-* ``filter``: filter from "|" till the next filter or the end of tag
-* ``argument``: filter argument
-Twig ("twig", "craftcms")
-* ``keyword``: HTML tag in HTML, default tags and default filters in templates
-* ``tag``: any tag from "<" till ">"
-* ``comment``: template comment {# .. #}
-* ``doctype``: declaration
-* ``attribute``: tag's attribute with or withou value
-* ``value``: attribute's value
-* ``template_tag``: template tag {% .. %}
-* ``variable``: template variable {{ .. }}
-* ``filter``: filter from "|" till the next filter or the end of tag
-* ``argument``: filter argument
-Handlebars ("handlebars", "hbs", "html.hbs", "html.handlebars")
-* ``expression``: expression to be evaluated
-* ``variable``: variable
-* ``begin-block``: the beginning of a block
-* ``end-block``: the ending of a block
-* ``string``: string
-Dust ("dust", "dst")
-* ``expression``: expression to be evaluated
-* ``variable``: variable
-* ``begin-block``: the beginning of a block
-* ``end-block``: the ending of a block
-* ``string``: string
-JSON ("json")
-* ``number``: number
-* ``literal``: "true", "false" and "null"
-* ``string``: string value
-* ``attribute``: name of an object property
-* ``value``: value of an object property
-Mathematica ("mathematica", "mma")
-* ``keyword``: keyword
-* ``number``: number
-* ``comment``: comment
-* ``string``: string
-* ``list``: a list { .. } - the basic Mma structure
-JavaScript ("javascript", "js")
-* ``keyword``: keyword
-* ``comment``: comment
-* ``number``: number
-* ``literal``: special literal: "true", "false" and "null"
-* ``built_in``: built-in objects and functions ("window", "console", "require", etc...)
-* ``string``: string
-* ``regexp``: regular expression
-* ``function``: header of a function
-* ``title``: name of a function inside a header
-* ``params``: parentheses and everything inside them in a function's header
-* ``pi``: 'use strict' processing instruction
-TypeScript ("typescript", "ts")
-* ``keyword``: keyword
-* ``comment``: comment
-* ``number``: number
-* ``literal``: special literal: "true", "false" and "null"
-* ``built_in``: built-in objects and functions ("window", "console", "require", etc...)
-* ``string``: string
-* ``regexp``: regular expression
-* ``function``: header of a function
-* ``title``: name of a function inside a header
-* ``params``: parentheses and everything inside them in a function's header
-* ``pi``: 'use strict' processing instruction
-CoffeeScript ("coffeescript", "coffee", "cson", "iced")
-* ``keyword``: keyword
-* ``comment``: comment
-* ``number``: number
-* ``literal``: special literal: "true", "false" and "null"
-* ``built_in``: built-in objects and functions ("window", "console", "require", etc...)
-* ``string``: string
-* ``subst``: #{ ... } interpolation in double-quoted strings
-* ``regexp``: regular expression
-* ``function``: header of a function
-* ``class``: header of a class
-* ``title``: name of a function variable inside a header
-* ``params``: parentheses and everything inside them in a function's header
-* ``property``: @-property within class and functions
-Dart ("dart")
-* ``keyword``: keyword
-* ``literal``: keyword that can be uses as identifier but have special meaning in some cases
-* ``built_in``: some of basic built in classes and function
-* ``number``: number
-* ``string``: string
-* ``subst``: in-string substitution (${...})
-* ``comment``: commment
-* ``annotation``: annotation
-* ``class``: class header from "class" till "{"
-* ``title``: class name
-LiveScript ("livescript", "ls")
-* ``keyword``: keyword
-* ``comment``: comment
-* ``number``: number
-* ``literal``: special literal: "true", "false" and "null"
-* ``built_in``: built-in objects and functions ("window", "console", "require", etc...)
-* ``string``: string
-* ``subst``: #{ ... } interpolation in double-quoted strings
-* ``regexp``: regular expression
-* ``function``: header of a function
-* ``class``: header of a class
-* ``title``: name of a function variable inside a header
-* ``params``: parentheses and everything inside them in a function's header
-* ``property``: @-property within class and functions
-ActionScript ("actionscript", "as")
-* ``comment``: comment
-* ``string``: string
-* ``number``: number
-* ``keyword``: keywords
-* ``literal``: literal
-* ``reserved``: reserved keyword
-* ``title``: name of declaration (package, class or function)
-* ``preprocessor``: preprocessor directive (import, include)
-* ``type``: type of returned value (for functions)
-* ``package``: package (named or not)
-* ``class``: class/interface
-* ``function``: function
-* ``param``: params of function
-* ``rest_arg``: rest argument of function
-Haxe ("haxe", "hx")
-* ``comment``: comment
-* ``string``: string
-* ``number``: number
-* ``keyword``: keywords
-* ``literal``: literal
-* ``reserved``: reserved keyword
-* ``title``: name of declaration (package, class or function)
-* ``preprocessor``: preprocessor directive (if, else, elseif, error)
-* ``type``: type of returned value (for functions)
-* ``package``: package (named or not)
-* ``class``: class/interface
-* ``function``: function
-* ``param``: params of function
-* ``rest_arg``: rest argument of function
-VBScript ("vbscript", "vbs")
-* ``keyword``: keyword
-* ``number``: number
-* ``string``: string
-* ``comment``: comment
-* ``built_in``: built-in function
-VB.Net ("vbnet", "vb")
-* ``keyword``: keyword
-* ``built_in``: built-in types
-* ``literal``: "true", "false" and "nothing"
-* ``string``: string
-* ``comment``: comment
-* ``xmlDocTag``: xmldoc tag ("'''", "", "<..>")
-* ``preprocessor``: preprocessor directive
-Protocol Buffers ("protobuf")
-* ``keyword``: keyword
-* ``built_in``: built-in types (e.g. `int64`, `string`)
-* ``string``: string
-* ``number``: number
-* ``literal``: "true" and "false"
-* ``comment``: comment
-* ``class``: message, service or enum definition header
-* ``title``: message, service or enum identifier
-* ``function``: RPC call identifier
-Cap’n Proto ("capnproto", "capnp")
-* ``shebang``: message identifier
-* ``keyword``: keyword
-* ``built_in``: built-in types (e.g. `Int64`, `Text`)
-* ``string``: string
-* ``number``: number or field number (e.g. @N)
-* ``literal``: "true" and "false"
-* ``comment``: comment
-* ``class``: message, interface or enum definition header
-* ``title``: message, interface or enum identifier
-Thrift ("thrift")
-* ``keyword``: keyword
-* ``built_in``: built-in types (e.g. `byte`, `i32`)
-* ``string``: string
-* ``number``: number
-* ``literal``: "true" and "false"
-* ``comment``: comment
-* ``class``: struct, enum, service or exception definition header
-* ``title``: struct, enum, service or exception identifier
-HTTP ("http", "https")
-* ``request``: first line of a request
-* ``status``: first line of a response
-* ``attribute``: header name
-* ``string``: header value or query string in a request line
-* ``number``: status code
-Lua ("lua")
-* ``keyword``: keyword
-* ``number``: number
-* ``string``: string
-* ``comment``: comment
-* ``built_in``: built-in operator
-* ``function``: header of a function
-* ``title``: name of a function inside a header
-* ``params``: everything inside parentheses in a function's header
-* ``long_brackets``: multiline string in [=[ .. ]=]
-Delphi ("delphi")
-* ``keyword``: keyword
-* ``comment``: comment (of any type)
-* ``number``: number
-* ``string``: string
-* ``function``: header of a function, procedure, constructor and destructor
-* ``title``: name of a function, procedure, constructor or destructor inside a header
-* ``params``: everything inside parentheses in a function's header
-* ``class``: class' body from "= class" till "end;"
-Oxygene ("oxygene")
-* ``keyword``: keyword
-* ``comment``: comment (of any type)
-* ``string``: string/char
-* ``function``: method, destructor, procedure or function
-* ``title``: name of a function (inside function)
-* ``params``: everything inside parentheses in a function's header
-* ``number``: number
-* ``class``: class' body from "= class" till "end;"
-Java ("java", "jsp")
-* ``keyword``: keyword
-* ``number``: number
-* ``string``: string
-* ``comment``: comment
-* ``annotaion``: annotation
-* ``class``: class header from "class" till "{"
-* ``function``: method header
-* ``title``: class or method name
-* ``params``: everything in parentheses inside a class header
-* ``inheritance``: keywords "extends" and "implements" inside class header
-Processing ("processing")
-* ``constant``: Processing constants
-* ``variable``: Processing special variables
-* ``keyword``: Variable types
-* ``function``: Processing setup and draw functions
-* ``built_in``: Processing built in functions
-AspectJ ("aspectj")
-* ``comment``: comment
-* ``doctag``: @-tag in javadoc comment
-* ``string``: string
-* ``number``: number
-* ``keyword``: keyword
-* ``annotation``: annotation
-* ``function``: method and intertype method header
-* ``aspect``: aspect header from "aspect" till "{"
-* ``params``: everything in parentheses inside an aspect header
-* ``inheritance``: keywords "extends" and "implements" inside an aspect header
-* ``title``: aspect, (intertype) method name or pointcut name inside an aspect header
-Fortran ("fortran", "f90", "f95")
-* ``comment``: comment
-* ``function``: name of a function or a subroutine
-* ``keyword``: language keywords (function, if)
-* ``number``: number
-* ``string``: string constant (single or double quote)
-IRPF90 ("irpf90")
-* ``comment``: comment
-* ``function``: name of a function or a subroutine
-* ``keyword``: language keywords (function, if)
-* ``number``: number
-* ``string``: string constant (single or double quote)
-C++ ("cpp", "c", "cc", "h", "c++", "h++", "hpp")
-* ``keyword``: keyword
-* ``number``: number
-* ``string``: string and character
-* ``comment``: comment
-* ``preprocessor``: preprocessor directive
-Objective C ("objectivec", "mm", "objc", "obj-c")
-* ``keyword``: keyword
-* ``built_in``: Cocoa/Cocoa Touch constants and classes
-* ``number``: number
-* ``string``: string
-* ``comment``: comment
-* ``preprocessor``: preprocessor directive
-* ``class``: interface/implementation, protocol and forward class declaration
-* ``title``: title (id) of interface, implementation, protocol, class
-* ``variable``: properties and struct accessors
-Vala ("vala")
-* ``keyword``: keyword
-* ``number``: number
-* ``string``: string
-* ``comment``: comment
-* ``class``: class definitions
-* ``title``: in class definition
-* ``constant``: ALL_UPPER_CASE
-C# ("cs", "csharp")
-* ``keyword``: keyword
-* ``number``: number
-* ``string``: string
-* ``comment``: comment
-* ``xmlDocTag``: xmldoc tag ("///", "", "<..>")
-* ``class``: class header from "class" till "{"
-* ``function``: method header
-* ``title``: title of namespace or class
-F# ("fsharp", "fs")
-* ``keywords``: keyword
-* ``number``: number
-* ``string``: string
-* ``comment``: comment
-* ``class``: any custom F# type
-* ``title``: the name of a custom F# type
-* ``annotation``: any attribute
-OCaml ("ocaml", "ml")
-* ``keywords``: keyword
-* ``literal``: true false etc.
-* ``number``: number
-* ``string``: string
-* ``char``: character
-* ``comment``: comment
-* ``built_in``: built-in type (int, list etc.)
-* ``type``: variant constructor, module name
-* ``tag``: polymorphic variant tag
-* ``symbol``: type variable
-D ("d")
-* ``comment``: comment
-* ``string``: string constant
-* ``number``: number
-* ``keyword``: language keywords (including @attributes)
-* ``constant``: true false null
-* ``built_in``: built-in plain types (int, string etc.)
-RenderMan RSL ("rsl")
-* ``keyword``: keyword
-* ``number``: number
-* ``string``: string (including @"..")
-* ``comment``: comment
-* ``preprocessor``: preprocessor directive
-* ``shader``: shader keywords
-* ``shading``: shading keywords
-* ``built_in``: built-in function
-RenderMan RIB ("rib")
-* ``keyword``: keyword
-* ``number``: number
-* ``string``: string
-* ``comment``: comment
-* ``commands``: command
-Maya Embedded Language ("mel")
-* ``keyword``: keyword
-* ``number``: number
-* ``string``: string
-* ``comment``: comment
-* ``variable``: variable
-SQL ("sql")
-* ``keyword``: keyword (mostly SQL'92, SQL'99 and T-SQL)
-* ``literal``: special literal: "true" and "false"
-* ``built_in``: built-in type name
-* ``number``: number
-* ``string``: string (of any type: "..", '..', \`..\`)
-* ``comment``: comment
-* ``variable``: mixed-case names
-Smalltalk ("smalltalk", "st")
-* ``keyword``: keyword
-* ``number``: number
-* ``string``: string
-* ``comment``: comment
-* ``symbol``: symbol
-* ``array``: array
-* ``class``: name of a class
-* ``char``: char
-* ``localvars``: block of local variables
-Lisp ("lisp")
-* ``number``: number
-* ``string``: string
-* ``comment``: comment
-* ``variable``: variable
-* ``literal``: b, t and nil
-* ``list``: non-quoted list
-* ``keyword``: first symbol in a non-quoted list
-* ``body``: remainder of the non-quoted list
-* ``quoted``: quoted list, both "(quote .. )" and "'(..)"
-Clojure ("clojure", "clj")
-* ``comment``: comments and hints
-* ``string``: string
-* ``number``: number
-* ``collection``: collections
-* ``attribute``: :keyword
-* ``list``: non-quoted list
-* ``keyword``: first symbol in a list
-* ``built_in``: built-in function name as the first symbol in a list
-* ``prompt``: REPL prompt
-Scheme ("scheme")
-* ``shebang``: script interpreter header
-* ``comment``: comment
-* ``string``: string
-* ``number``: number
-* ``regexp``: regexp
-* ``variable``: single-quote 'identifier
-* ``list``: non-quoted list
-* ``keyword``: first symbol in a list
-* ``built_in``: built-in function name as the first symbol in a list
-* ``literal``: #t, #f, #\...\
-Ini ("ini")
-* ``title``: title of a section
-* ``value``: value of a setting of any type
-* ``string``: string
-* ``number``: number
-* ``keyword``: boolean value keyword
-Apache ("apache", "apacheconf")
-* ``keyword``: keyword
-* ``number``: number
-* ``comment``: comment
-* ``literal``: On and Off
-* ``sqbracket``: variables in rewrites "%{..}"
-* ``cbracket``: options in rewrites "[..]"
-* ``tag``: begin and end of a configuration section
-Nginx ("nginx", "nginxconf")
-* ``title``: directive title
-* ``string``: string
-* ``number``: number
-* ``comment``: comment
-* ``built_in``: built-in constant
-* ``variable``: $-variable
-* ``regexp``: regexp
-Diff ("diff", "patch")
-* ``header``: file header
-* ``chunk``: chunk header within a file
-* ``addition``: added lines
-* ``deletion``: deleted lines
-* ``change``: changed lines
-DOS ("dos", "bat", "cmd")
-* ``keyword``: keyword
-* ``flow``: batch control keyword
-* ``stream``: DOS special files ("con", "prn", ...)
-* ``winutils``: some commands (see dos.js specifically)
-* ``envvar``: environment variables
-PowerShell ("powershell", "ps")
-* ``keyword``: keyword
-* ``string``: string
-* ``number``: number
-* ``comment``: comment
-* ``literal``: special literal: "true" and "false"
-* ``variable``: variable
-Bash ("bash", "sh", "zsh")
-* ``keyword``: keyword
-* ``string``: string
-* ``number``: number
-* ``comment``: comment
-* ``literal``: special literal: "true" and "false"
-* ``variable``: variable
-* ``shebang``: script interpreter header
-Makefile ("makefile", "mk", "mak")
-* ``keyword``: keyword ".PHONY" within the phony line
-* ``string``: string
-* ``comment``: comment
-* ``variable``: $(..) variable
-* ``title``: target title
-* ``constant``: constant within the initial definition
-CMake ("cmake", "cmake.in")
-* ``keyword``: keyword
-* ``number``: number
-* ``string``: string
-* ``comment``: comment
-* ``envvar``: $-variable
-* ``operator``: operator (LESS, STREQUAL, MATCHES, etc)
-Nix ("nix")
-* ``keyword``: keyword
-* ``built_in``: built-in constant
-* ``number``: number
-* ``string``: single and double quotes
-* ``subst``: antiquote ${}
-* ``comment``: comment
-* ``variable``: function parameter name
-NSIS ("nsis")
-* ``symbol``: directory constants
-* ``number``: number
-* ``constant``: definitions, language-strings, compiler commands
-* ``variable``: $-variable
-* ``string``: string
-* ``comment``: comment
-* ``params``: parameters
-* ``keyword``: keywords
-* ``literal``: keyword options
-Axapta ("axapta")
-* ``keyword``: keyword
-* ``number``: number
-* ``string``: string
-* ``comment``: comment
-* ``class``: class header from "class" till "{"
-* ``title``: class name inside a header
-* ``params``: everything in parentheses inside a class header
-* ``preprocessor``: preprocessor directive
-Oracle Rules Language ("ruleslanguage")
-* ``comment``: comment
-* ``string``: string constant
-* ``number``: number
-* ``keyword``: language keywords
-* ``built_in``: built-in functions
-* ``array``: array stem
-1C ("1c")
-* ``keyword``: keyword
-* ``number``: number
-* ``date``: date
-* ``string``: string
-* ``comment``: comment
-* ``function``: header of function or procedure
-* ``title``: function name inside a header
-* ``params``: everything in parentheses inside a function header
-* ``preprocessor``: preprocessor directive
-x86 Assembly ("x86asm")
-* ``keyword``: instruction mnemonic
-* ``literal``: register name
-* ``pseudo``: assembler's pseudo instruction
-* ``preprocessor``: macro
-* ``built_in``: assembler's keyword
-* ``comment``: comment
-* ``number``: number
-* ``string``: string
-* ``label``: jump label
-* ``argument``: macro's argument
-AVR assembler ("avrasm")
-* ``keyword``: keyword
-* ``built_in``: pre-defined register
-* ``number``: number
-* ``string``: string
-* ``comment``: comment
-* ``label``: label
-* ``preprocessor``: preprocessor directive
-* ``localvars``: substitution in .macro
-VHDL ("vhdl")
-* ``keyword``: keyword
-* ``number``: number
-* ``string``: string
-* ``comment``: comment
-* ``literal``: signal logical value
-* ``typename``: typename
-* ``attribute``: signal attribute
-Parser3 ("parser3")
-* ``keyword``: keyword
-* ``number``: number
-* ``comment``: comment
-* ``variable``: variable starting with "$"
-* ``preprocessor``: preprocessor directive
-* ``title``: user-defined name starting with "@"
-LiveCode Server ("livecodeserver")
-* ``variable``: variable starting with "g", "t", "p", "s", "$_"
-* ``string``: string
-* ``comment``: comment
-* ``number``: number
-* ``title``: name of a command or a function
-* ``keyword``: keyword
-* ``constant``: constant
-* ``operator``: operator
-* ``built_in``: built_in functions and commands
-* ``function``: header of a function
-* ``command``: header of a command
-* ``preprocessor``: preprocessor marks: "", ""
-TeX ("tex")
-* ``comment``: comment
-* ``number``: number
-* ``command``: command
-* ``parameter``: parameter
-* ``formula``: formula
-* ``special``: special symbol
-Haskell ("haskell", "hs")
-* ``comment``: comment
-* ``pragma``: GHC pragma
-* ``preprocessor``: CPP preprocessor directive
-* ``keyword``: keyword
-* ``number``: number
-* ``string``: string
-* ``title``: function or variable name
-* ``type``: value, type or type class constructor name (i.e. capitalized)
-* ``container``: (..., ...) or {...; ...} list in declaration or record
-* ``module``: module declaration
-* ``import``: import declaration
-* ``class``: type class or instance declaration
-* ``typedef``: type declaration (type, newtype, data)
-* ``default``: default declaration
-* ``infix``: infix declaration
-* ``foreign``: FFI declaration
-* ``shebang``: shebang line
-Elm ("elm")
-* ``comment``: comment
-* ``keyword``: keyword
-* ``number``: number
-* ``string``: string
-* ``title``: function or variable name
-* ``type``: value or type constructor name (i.e. capitalized)
-* ``container``: (..., ...) or {...; ...} list in declaration or record
-* ``module``: module declaration
-* ``import``: import declaration
-* ``typedef``: type declaration (type, type alias)
-* ``infix``: infix declaration
-* ``foreign``: javascript interop declaration
-Erlang ("erlang", "erl")
-* ``comment``: comment
-* ``string``: string
-* ``number``: number
-* ``keyword``: keyword
-* ``record_name``: record access (#record_name)
-* ``title``: name of declaration function
-* ``variable``: variable (starts with capital letter or with _)
-* ``pp``:.keywords module's attribute (-attribute)
-* ``function_name``: atom or atom:atom in case of function call
-Elixir ("elixir")
-* ``keyword``: keyword
-* ``string``: string
-* ``subst``: in-string substitution (#{...})
-* ``comment``: comment
-* ``function``: function header "def some_name(...):"
-* ``class``: defmodule and defrecord headers
-* ``title``: name of a function or a module inside a header
-* ``symbol``: atom
-* ``constant``: name of a module
-* ``number``: number
-* ``variable``: variable
-* ``regexp``: regexp
-Rust ("rust", "rs")
-* ``comment``: comment
-* ``string``: string
-* ``number``: number
-* ``keyword``: keyword
-* ``title``: name of declaration
-* ``preprocessor``: preprocessor directive
-Matlab ("matlab")
-* ``comment``: comment
-* ``string``: string
-* ``number``: number
-* ``keyword``: keyword
-* ``title``: function name
-* ``function``: function
-* ``param``: params of function
-* ``matrix``: matrix in [ .. ]
-* ``cell``: cell in { .. }
-Scilab ("scilab", "sci")
-* ``comment``: comment
-* ``string``: string
-* ``number``: number
-* ``keyword``: keyword
-* ``title``: function name
-* ``function``: function
-* ``param``: params of function
-* ``matrix``: matrix in [ .. ]
-R ("r")
-* ``comment``: comment
-* ``string``: string constant
-* ``number``: number
-* ``keyword``: language keywords (function, if) plus "structural" functions (attach, require, setClass)
-* ``literal``: special literal: TRUE, FALSE, NULL, NA, etc.
-OpenGL Shading Language ("glsl")
-* ``comment``: comment
-* ``number``: number
-* ``preprocessor``: preprocessor directive
-* ``keyword``: keyword
-* ``built_in``: GLSL built-in functions and variables
-* ``literal``: true false
-AppleScript ("applescript", "osascript")
-* ``keyword``: keyword
-* ``command``: core AppleScript command
-* ``constant``: AppleScript built in constant
-* ``type``: AppleScript variable type (integer, etc.)
-* ``property``: Applescript built in property (length, etc.)
-* ``number``: number
-* ``string``: string
-* ``comment``: comment
-* ``title``: name of a handler
-Vim Script ("vim")
-* ``keyword``: keyword
-* ``built_in``: built-in functions
-* ``string``: string, comment
-* ``number``: number
-* ``function``: function header "function Foo(...)"
-* ``title``: name of a function
-* ``params``: everything inside parentheses in a function's header
-* ``variable``: vim variables with different visibilities "g:foo, b:bar"
-Brainfuck ("brainfuck", "bf")
-* ``title``: Brainfuck while loop command
-* ``literal``: Brainfuck inc and dec commands
-* ``comment``: comment
-* ``string``: Brainfuck input and output commands
-Mizar ("mizar")
-* ``keyword``: keyword
-* ``comment``: comment
-AutoHotkey ("autohotkey")
-* ``keyword``: keyword
-* ``literal``: A (active window), true, false, NOT, AND, OR
-* ``built_in``: built-in variables
-* ``string``: string
-* ``comment``: comment
-* ``number``: number
-* ``var_expand``: variable expansion (enclosed in percent sign)
-* ``label``: label, hotkey label, hotstring label
-Monkey ("monkey")
-* ``keyword``: keyword
-* ``built_in``: built-in functions, variables and types of variables
-* ``literal``: True, False, Null, And, Or, Shl, Shr, Mod
-* ``string``: string
-* ``comment``: comment
-* ``number``: number
-* ``function``: header of a function, method and constructor
-* ``class``: class header
-* ``title``: name of an alias, class, interface, function or method inside a header
-* ``variable``: self and super keywords
-* ``preprocessor``: import and preprocessor
-* ``pi``: Strict directive
-FIX ("fix")
-* ``attribute``: attribute name
-* ``string``: attribute value
-Gherkin ("gherkin")
-* ``keyword``: keyword
-* ``number``: number
-* ``comment``: comment
-* ``string``: string
-TP ("tp")
-* ``keyword``: keyword
-* ``constant``: ON, OFF, max_speed, LPOS, JPOS, ENABLE, DISABLE, START, STOP, RESET
-* ``number``: number
-* ``comment``: comment
-* ``string``: string
-* ``data``: numeric registers, positions, position registers, etc.
-* ``io``: inputs and outputs
-* ``label``: data and io labels
-* ``variable``: system variables
-* ``units``: units (e.g. mm/sec, sec, deg)
-Nimrod ("nimrod", "nim")
-* ``decorator`` pragma
-* ``string`` string literal
-* ``type`` variable type
-* ``number`` numeric literal
-* ``comment`` comment
-Swift ("swift")
-* ``keyword``: keyword
-* ``comment``: comment
-* ``number``: number
-* ``string``: string
-* ``literal``: special literal: "true", "false" and "nil"
-* ``built_in``: built-in Swift functions
-* ``func``: header of a function
-* ``class``: class, protocol, enum, struct, or extension declaration
-* ``title``: name of a function or class (or protocol, etc)
-* ``generics``: generic type of a function
-* ``params``: parameters of a function
-* ``type``: a type
-* ``preprocessor``: @attributes
-G-Code ("gcode", "nc")
-* ``keyword``: G words, looping constructs and conditional operators
-* ``comment``: comment
-* ``number``: number
-* ``built_in``: trigonometric and mathematical functions
-* ``title``: M words and variable registers
-* ``preprocessor``: program number and ending character
-* ``label``: block number
-Q ("k", "kdb")
-* ``comment``: comment
-* ``string``: string constant
-* ``number``: number
-* ``keyword``: language keywords
-* ``constant``: 0/1b
-* ``typename``: built-in plain types (int, symbol etc.)
-* ``built_in``: built-in function
-Tcl ("tcl", "tk")
-* ``keyword``: keyword
-* ``comment``: comment
-* ``symbol``: function (proc)
-* ``variable``: variable
-* ``string``: string
-* ``number``: number
-Puppet ("puppet", "pp")
-* ``comment``: comment
-* ``string``: string
-* ``number``: number
-* ``keyword``: classes and types
-* ``constant``: dependencies
-Stata ("stata")
-* ``keyword``: commands and control flow
-* ``label``: macros (locals and globals)
-* ``string``: string
-* ``comment``: comment
-* ``literal``: built-in functions
-XL ("xl", "tao")
-* ``keyword``: keywords defined in the default syntax file
-* ``literal``: names entered in the compiler (true, false, nil)
-* ``type``: basic types (integer, real, text, name, etc)
-* ``built_in``: built-in functions (sin, exp, mod, etc)
-* ``module``: names of frequently used Tao modules
-* ``id``: names of frequently used Tao functions
-* ``constant``: all-uppercase names such as HELLO
-* ``variable``: Mixed-case names such as Hello (style convention)
-* ``id``: Lower-case names such as hello
-* ``string``: Text between single or double quote, long text << >>
-* ``number``: Number values
-* ``function``: Function or variable definition
-* ``import``: Import clause
-Roboconf ("graph", "instances")
-* ``keyword``: keyword
-* ``string``: names of imported variables
-* ``comment``: comment
-* ``facet``: a **facet** section
-* ``component``: a **component** section
-* ``instance-of``: an **instance** section
-STEP Part 21 ("p21", "step", "stp")
-* ``preprocessor``: delimiters
-* ``comment``: single- or multi-line comment
-* ``keyword``: keyword
-* ``number``: number
-* ``string``: string
-* ``label``: variable reference starting with "#"
-Mercury ("mercury")
-* ``keyword``: keyword
-* ``pragma``: compiler directive
-* ``preprocessor``: foreign language interface
-* ``built_in``: control flow, logical, implication, head-body conjunction, purity
-* ``number``: number, numcode of character
-* ``comment``: comment
-* ``label``: TODO label inside comment
-* ``string``: string
-* ``constant``: string format
-Smali ("smali")
-* ``string``: string
-* ``comment``: comment
-* ``keyword``: smali keywords
-* ``instruction``: instruction
-* ``class``: classtypes
-* ``function``: function (call or signature)
-* ``variable``: variable or parameter
-Verilog ("verilog", "v")
-* ``keyword``: keyword, operator
-* ``comment``: comment
-* ``typename``: types of data, register, and net
-* ``number``: number literals (including X and Z)
-* ``value``: parameters passed to instances
-Dockerfile ("dockerfile", "docker")
-* ``keyword``: instruction keyword
-* ``comment``: comment
-* ``number``: number
-* ``string``: string
-PF ("pf", "pf.conf")
-* ``built_in``: top level action, e.g. block/match/pass
-* ``keyword``: some parameter/modifier to an action (in, on, nat-to, most reserved words)
-* ``literal``: words representing special values, e.g. all, egress
-* ``comment``: comment
-* ``number``: number
-* ``string``: string
-* ``variable``: used for both macros and tables
-XQuery ("xpath", "xq")
-* ``keyword``: instruction keyword
-* ``literal``: words representing special values, e.g. all, egress
-* ``comment``: comment
-* ``number``: number
-* ``string``: string
-* ``variable``: variable
-* ``decorator``: annotations
-* ``function``: function
-C/AL ("cal")
-* ``keyword``: keyword
-* ``comment``: comment (of any type)
-* ``number``: number
-* ``string``: string
-* ``date``: date, time, or datetime
-* ``function``: header of a procedure
-* ``title``: name of an object or procedure inside a header
-* ``params``: everything inside parentheses in a function's header
-* ``class``: objects body
-* ``variable``: reference to variables
-Inform7 ("I7")
-* ``string``: string
-* ``comment``: comment
-* ``title``: a section header or table header
-* ``subst``: a substitution inside a string
-* ``kind``: a built-in kind (thing, room, person, etc), for relevance
-* ``characteristic``: a commonly-used characteristic (open, closed, scenery, etc), for relevance
-* ``verb``: a commonly-used verb (is, understand), for relevance.
-* ``misc_keyword``: a word with specific I7 meaning (kind, rule), for relevance.
-Prolog ("prolog")
-* ``atom``: non-quoted atoms and functor names
-* ``string``: quoted atoms, strings, character code list literals, character code literals
-* ``number``: numbers
-* ``variable``: variables
-* ``comment``: comments
-DNS Zone file ("dns", "zone", "bind")
-* ``keyword``: DNS resource records as defined in various RFCs
-* ``operator``: operator
-* ``number``: IPv4 and IPv6 addresses
-* ``comment``: comments
-Ceylon ("ceylon")
-* ``keyword``: keyword
-* ``annotation``: language annotation or compiler annotation
-* ``string``: string literal, part of string template, character literal
-* ``number``: number
-* ``comment``: comment
-OpenSCAD ("openscad", "scad")
-* ``built_in``: built-in functions (cube, sphere, translate, ...)
-* ``comment``: comments
-* ``function``: function or module definition
-* ``keyword``: keywords
-* ``literal``: words representing values (e.g. false, undef, PI)
-* ``number``: numbers
-* ``params``: parameters in function or module header or call
-* ``preprocessor``: file includes (i.e. include, use)
-* ``string``: quoted strings
-* ``title``: names of function or module in a header
-ARM assembler ("armasm", "arm")
-* ``keyword``: keyword (instruction mnemonics)
-* ``literal``: pre-defined register
-* ``number``: number
-* ``built_in``: constants (true, false)
-* ``string``: string
-* ``comment``: comment
-* ``label``: label
-* ``preprocessor``: preprocessor directive
-* ``title``: symbol versions
-AutoIt ("autoit")
-* ``keyword``: keyword
-* ``literal``: True, False, And, Null, Not, Or
-* ``built_in``: built-in functions and UDF
-* ``constant``: constant, macros
-* ``variable``: variables
-* ``string``: string
-* ``comment``: comment
-* ``number``: number
-* ``preprocessor``: AutoIt3Wrapper directives section
-Access log ("accesslog")
-* ``keyword``: HTTP method name
-* ``string``: date, request string, user-agent etc
-* ``number``: IP-address, numbers
-Crystal ("crystal", "cr")
-* ``keyword``: keyword
-* ``string``: string
-* ``number``: number
-* ``symbol``: symbol
-* ``regexp``: regexp
-* ``literal``: true, false or nil
-* ``constant``: constant
-* ``variable``: global, instance, class and fresh variables
-* ``subst``: in-string substitution (#{...})
-* ``expansion``: macro expansion ({{...}}, {%...%})
-* ``class``: class, module, struct, enum, union or lib header
-* ``function``: method or function header
-* ``title``: a method name or class name
-* ``parent``: name of a parent class
-* ``annotation``: any attribute
-Crmsh ("crmsh", "crm", "pcmk")
-* ``keyword``: command name
-* ``title``: resource id
-* ``identifier``: node or property set identifier
-* ``pragma``: resource agent
-* ``string``: string
-* ``number``: number
-* ``literal``: literal
-* ``type``: data type
-* ``variable``: name-value pair variable name
-* ``comment``: comment
-* ``tag``: XML tag
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-.. highlight.js documentation master file, created by
- sphinx-quickstart on Wed Sep 12 23:48:27 2012.
- You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least
- contain the root `toctree` directive.
-``highlight.js`` developer documentation
-.. toctree::
- :maxdepth: 1
- api
- language-guide
- reference
- css-classes-reference
- style-guide
- building-testing
- release-process
-.. toctree::
- :maxdepth: 1
- language-contribution
- style-contribution
-.. toctree::
- :maxdepth: 1
- line-numbers
- language-requests
-- Code: https://github.com/isagalaev/highlight.js
-- Discussion: http://groups.google.com/group/highlightjs
-- Bug tracking: https://github.com/isagalaev/highlight.js/issues
-Indices and tables
-* :ref:`genindex`
-* :ref:`modindex`
-* :ref:`search`
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-Language contributor checklist
-1. Put language definition into a .js file
-The file defines a function accepting a reference to the library and returning a language object.
-The library parameter is useful to access common modes and regexps. You should not immediately call this function,
-this is done during the build process and details differ for different build targets.
- function(hljs) {
- return {
- keywords: 'foo bar',
- contains: [ ..., hljs.NUMBER_MODE, ... ]
- }
- }
-The name of the file is used as a short language identifier and should be usable as a class name in HTML and CSS.
-2. Provide meta data
-At the top of the file there is a specially formatted comment with meta data processed by a build system.
-Meta data format is simply key-value pairs each occupying its own line:
- /*
- Language: Superlanguage
- Requires: java.js, sql.js
- Author: John Smith
- Contributors: Mike Johnson <...@...>, Matt Wilson <...@...>
- Description: Some cool language definition
- */
-``Language`` — the only required header giving a human-readable language name.
-``Requires`` — a list of other language files required for this language to work.
-This make it possible to describe languages that extend definitions of other ones.
-Required files aren't processed in any special way.
-The build system just makes sure that they will be in the final package in
-``LANGUAGES`` object.
-The meaning of the other headers is pretty obvious.
-3. Create a code example
-The code example is used both to test language detection and for the demo page
-on https://highlightjs.org/. Put it in ``test/detect//default.txt``.
-Take inspiration from other languages in ``test/detect/`` and read
-:ref:`testing instructions ` for more details.
-4. Write class reference
-Class reference lives in the :doc:`CSS classes reference `..
-Describe shortly names of all meaningful modes used in your language definition.
-5. Add yourself to AUTHORS.*.txt and CHANGES.md
-If you're a new contributor add yourself to the authors list. Feel free to use
-either English and/or Russian version.
-Also it will be good to update CHANGES.md.
-6. Create a pull request
-Send your contribution as a pull request on GitHub.
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-Language definition guide
-Highlighting overview
-Programming language code consists of parts with different rules of parsing: keywords like ``for`` or ``if``
-don't make sense inside strings, strings may contain backslash-escaped symbols like ``\"``
-and comments usually don't contain anything interesting except the end of the comment.
-In highlight.js such parts are called "modes".
-Each mode consists of:
-* starting condition
-* ending condition
-* list of contained sub-modes
-* lexing rules and keywords
-* …exotic stuff like another language inside a language
-The parser's work is to look for modes and their keywords.
-Upon finding, it wraps them into the markup ``...``
-and puts the name of the mode ("string", "comment", "number")
-or a keyword group name ("keyword", "literal", "built-in") as the span's class name.
-General syntax
-A language definition is a JavaScript object describing the default parsing mode for the language.
-This default mode contains sub-modes which in turn contain other sub-modes, effectively making the language definition a tree of modes.
-Here's an example:
- {
- case_insensitive: true, // language is case-insensitive
- keywords: 'for if while',
- contains: [
- {
- className: 'string',
- begin: '"', end: '"'
- },
- hljs.COMMENT(
- '/\\*', // begin
- '\\*/', // end
- {
- contains: [
- {
- className: 'doc', begin: '@\\w+'
- }
- ]
- }
- )
- ]
- }
-Usually the default mode accounts for the majority of the code and describes all language keywords.
-A notable exception here is XML in which a default mode is just a user text that doesn't contain any keywords,
-and most interesting parsing happens inside tags.
-In the simple case language keywords are defined in a string, separated by space:
- {
- keywords: 'else for if while'
- }
-Some languages have different kinds of "keywords" that might not be called as such by the language spec
-but are very close to them from the point of view of a syntax highlighter. These are all sorts of "literals", "built-ins", "symbols" and such.
-To define such keyword groups the attribute ``keywords`` becomes an object each property of which defines its own group of keywords:
- {
- keywords: {
- keyword: 'else for if while',
- literal: 'false true null'
- }
- }
-The group name becomes then a class name in a generated markup enabling different styling for different kinds of keywords.
-To detect keywords highlight.js breaks the processed chunk of code into separate words — a process called lexing.
-The "word" here is defined by the regexp ``[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]*`` that works for keywords in most languages.
-Different lexing rules can be defined by the ``lexemes`` attribute:
- {
- lexemes '-[a-z]+',
- keywords: '-import -export'
- }
-Sub-modes are listed in the ``contains`` attribute:
- {
- keywords: '...',
- contains: [
- { ... custom mode definition ... }
- ]
- }
-A mode can reference itself in the ``contains`` array by using a special keyword ``'self``'.
-This is commonly used to define nested modes:
- {
- className: 'object',
- begin: '{', end: '}',
- contains: [hljs.QUOTE_STRING_MODE, 'self']
- }
-Markup generation
-Modes usually generate actual highlighting markup — ```` elements with specific class names that are defined by the ``className`` attribute:
- {
- contains: [
- {
- className: 'string',
- // ... other attributes
- },
- {
- className: 'number',
- // ...
- }
- ]
- }
-Names are not required to be unique, it's quite common to have several definitions with the same name.
-For example, many languages have various syntaxes for strings, comments, etc…
-Sometimes modes are defined only to support specific parsing rules and aren't needed in the final markup.
-A classic example is an escaping sequence inside strings allowing them to contain an ending quote.
- {
- className: 'string',
- begin: '"', end: '"',
- contains: [{begin: '\\\\.'}],
- }
-For such modes ``className`` attribute should be omitted so they won't generate excessive markup.
-Mode attributes
-Other useful attributes are defined in the :doc:`mode reference `.
-.. _relevance:
-Highlight.js tries to automatically detect the language of a code fragment.
-The heuristics is essentially simple: it tries to highlight a fragment with all the language definitions
-and the one that yields most specific modes and keywords wins. The job of a language definition
-is to help this heuristics by hinting relative relevance (or irrelevance) of modes.
-This is best illustrated by example. Python has special kinds of strings defined by prefix letters before the quotes:
-``r"..."``, ``u"..."``. If a code fragment contains such strings there is a good chance that it's in Python.
-So these string modes are given high relevance:
- {
- className: 'string',
- begin: 'r"', end: '"',
- relevance: 10
- }
-On the other hand, conventional strings in plain single or double quotes aren't specific to any language
-and it makes sense to bring their relevance to zero to lessen statistical noise:
- {
- className: 'string',
- begin: '"', end: '"',
- relevance: 0
- }
-The default value for relevance is 1. When setting an explicit value it's recommended to use either 10 or 0.
-Keywords also influence relevance. Each of them usually has a relevance of 1, but there are some unique names
-that aren't likely to be found outside of their languages, even in the form of variable names.
-For example just having ``reinterpret_cast`` somewhere in the code is a good indicator that we're looking at C++.
-It's worth to set relevance of such keywords a bit higher. This is done with a pipe:
- {
- keywords: 'for if reinterpret_cast|10'
- }
-Illegal symbols
-Another way to improve language detection is to define illegal symbols for a mode.
-For example in Python first line of class definition (``class MyClass(object):``) cannot contain symbol "{" or a newline.
-Presence of these symbols clearly shows that the language is not Python and the parser can drop this attempt early.
-Illegal symbols are defined as a a single regular expression:
- {
- className: 'class',
- illegal: '[${]'
- }
-Pre-defined modes and regular expressions
-Many languages share common modes and regular expressions. Such expressions are defined in core highlight.js code
-at the end under "Common regexps" and "Common modes" titles. Use them when possible.
-Follow the :doc:`contributor checklist `.
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-On requesting new languages
-This is a general answer to requests for adding new languages that appear from
-time to time in the highlight.js issue tracker and discussion group.
- Highlight.js doesn't have a fundamental plan for implementing languages,
- instead the project works by accepting language definitions from
- interested contributors. There are also no rules at the moment forbidding
- any languages from being added to the library, no matter how obscure or
- weird.
- This means that there's no point in requesting a new language without
- providing an implementation for it. If you want to see a particular language
- included in highlight.js but cannot implement it, the best way to make it
- happen is to get another developer interested in doing so. Here's our
- :doc:`language-guide`.
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-Line numbers
-Highlight.js' notable lack of line numbers support is not an oversight but a
-feature. Following is the explanation of this policy from the current project
-maintainer (hey guys!):
- One of the defining design principles for highlight.js from the start was
- simplicity. Not the simplicity of code (in fact, it's quite complex) but
- the simplicity of usage and of the actual look of highlighted snippets on
- HTML pages. Many highlighters, in my opinion, are overdoing it with such
- things as separate colors for every single type of lexemes, striped
- backgrounds, fancy buttons around code blocks and — yes — line numbers.
- The more fancy stuff resides around the code the more it distracts a
- reader from understanding it.
- This is why it's not a straightforward decision: this new feature will not
- just make highlight.js better, it might actually make it worse simply by
- making it look more bloated in blog posts around the Internet. This is why
- I'm asking people to show that it's worth it.
- The only real use-case that ever was brought up in support of line numbers
- is referencing code from the descriptive text around it. On my own blog I
- was always solving this either with comments within the code itself or by
- breaking the larger snippets into smaller ones and describing each small
- part separately. I'm not saying that my solution is better. But I don't
- see how line numbers are better either. And the only way to show that they
- are better is to set up some usability research on the subject. I doubt
- anyone would bother to do it.
- Then there's maintenance. So far the core code of highlight.js is
- maintained by only one person — yours truly. Inclusion of any new code in
- highlight.js means that from that moment I will have to fix bugs in it,
- improve it further, make it work together with the rest of the code,
- defend its design. And I don't want to do all this for the feature that I
- consider "evil" and probably will never use myself.
-This position is `subject to discuss `_.
-Also it doesn't stop anyone from forking the code and maintaining line-numbers implementation separately.
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-Mode reference
-Types of attributes values in this reference:
-| identifier | String suitable to be used as a Javascript variable and CSS class name |
-| | (i.e. mostly ``/[A-Za-z0-9_]+/``) |
-| regexp | String representing a Javascript regexp. |
-| | Note that since it's not a literal regexp all back-slashes should be repeated twice |
-| boolean | Javascript boolean: ``true`` or ``false`` |
-| number | Javascript number |
-| object | Javascript object: ``{ ... }`` |
-| array | Javascript array: ``[ ... ]`` |
-**type**: boolean
-Case insensitivity of language keywords and regexps. Used only on the top-level mode.
-**type**: array
-A list of additional names (besides the canonical one given by the filename) that can be used to identify a language in HTML classes and in a call to :ref:`getLanguage `.
-**type**: identifier
-The name of the mode. It is used as a class name in HTML markup.
-Multiple modes can have the same name. This is useful when a language has multiple variants of syntax
-for one thing like string in single or double quotes.
-**type**: regexp
-Regular expression starting a mode. For example a single quote for strings or two forward slashes for C-style comments.
-If absent, ``begin`` defaults to a regexp that matches anything, so the mode starts immediately.
-**type**: regexp
-Regular expression ending a mode. For example a single quote for strings or "$" (end of line) for one-line comments.
-It's often the case that a beginning regular expression defines the entire mode and doesn't need any special ending.
-For example a number can be defined with ``begin: "\\b\\d+"`` which spans all the digits.
-If absent, ``end`` defaults to a regexp that matches anything, so the mode ends immediately.
-Sometimes a mode can end not by itself but implicitly with its containing (parent) mode.
-This is achieved with :ref:`endsWithParent ` attribute.
-**type**: string
-Used instead of ``begin`` for modes starting with keywords to avoid needless repetition:
- {
- begin: '\\b(extends|implements) ',
- keywords: 'extends implements'
- }
-… becomes:
- {
- beginKeywords: 'extends implements'
- }
-Unlike the :ref:`keywords ` attribute, this one allows only a simple list of space separated keywords.
-If you do need additional features of ``keywords`` or you just need more keywords for this mode you may include ``keywords`` along with ``beginKeywords``.
-.. _endsWithParent:
-**type**: boolean
-A flag showing that a mode ends when its parent ends.
-This is best demonstrated by example. In CSS syntax a selector has a set of rules contained within symbols "{" and "}".
-Individual rules separated by ";" but the last one in a set can omit the terminating semicolon:
- p {
- width: 100%; color: red
- }
-This is when ``endsWithParent`` comes into play:
- {
- className: 'rules', begin: '{', end: '}',
- contains: [
- {className: 'rule', /* ... */ end: ';', endsWithParent: true}
- ]
- }
-.. _endsParent:
-**type**: boolean
-Forces closing of the parent mode right after the current mode is closed.
-This is used for modes that don't have an easily expressible ending lexeme but
-instead could be closed after the last interesting sub-mode is found.
-Here's an example with two ways of defining functions in Elixir, one using a
-keyword ``do`` and another using a comma:
- def foo :clear, list do
- :ok
- end
- def foo, do: IO.puts "hello world"
-Note that in the first case the parameter list after the function title may also
-include a comma. And iIf we're only interested in highlighting a title we can
-tell it to end the function definition after itself:
- {
- className: 'function',
- beginKeywords: 'def', end: /\B\b/,
- contains: [
- {
- className: 'title',
- begin: hljs.IDENT_RE, endsParent: true
- }
- ]
- }
-(The ``end: /\B\b/`` regex tells function to never end by itself.)
-.. _lexemes:
-**type**: regexp
-A regular expression that extracts individual lexemes from language text to find :ref:`keywords ` among them.
-Default value is ``hljs.IDENT_RE`` which works for most languages.
-.. _keywords:
-**type**: object
-Keyword definition comes in two forms:
-* ``'for while if else weird_voodoo|10 ... '`` -- a string of space-separated keywords with an optional relevance over a pipe
-* ``{'keyword': ' ... ', 'literal': ' ... '}`` -- an object whose keys are names of different kinds of keywords and values are keyword definition strings in the first form
-For detailed explanation see :doc:`Language definition guide `.
-**type**: regexp
-A regular expression that defines symbols illegal for the mode.
-When the parser finds a match for illegal expression it immediately drops parsing the whole language altogether.
-excludeBegin, excludeEnd
-**type**: boolean
-Exclude beginning or ending lexemes out of mode's generated markup. For example in CSS syntax a rule ends with a semicolon.
-However visually it's better not to color it as the rule contents. Having ``excludeEnd: true`` forces a ```` element for the rule to close before the semicolon.
-**type**: boolean
-Returns just found beginning lexeme back into parser. This is used when beginning of a sub-mode is a complex expression
-that should not only be found within a parent mode but also parsed according to the rules of a sub-mode.
-Since the parser is effectively goes back it's quite possible to create a infinite loop here so use with caution!
-**type**: boolean
-Returns just found ending lexeme back into parser. This is used for example to parse Javascript embedded into HTML.
-A Javascript block ends with the HTML closing tag ```` that cannot be parsed with Javascript rules.
-So it is returned back into its parent HTML mode that knows what to do with it.
-Since the parser is effectively goes back it's quite possible to create a infinite loop here so use with caution!
-**type**: array
-The list of sub-modes that can be found inside the mode. For detailed explanation see :doc:`Language definition guide `.
-**type**: identifier
-The name of the mode that will start right after the current mode ends. The new mode won't be contained within the current one.
-Currently this attribute is used to highlight Javascript and CSS contained within HTML.
-Tags ``
{{ "%+010d"|sprintf:-123 }}
{{ "%+010d"|vsprintf:[-123] }}
{{ "%+010d"|fmt:-123 }}
{{ "%+010d"|vfmt:[-123] }}
{{ "I've got %2$d apples and %1$d oranges."|fmt:4:2 }}
{{ "I've got %(apples)d apples and %(oranges)d oranges."|fmt:{apples: 2, oranges: 4} }}