--- title: Using own OpenWRT router with Vodafone/Cityfibre date: 2021-11-04 tags: [hardware, freedom] --- For something very different this time, a quick recipe for a very specific situation. One of the very few fiber-to-the-home solutions in the UK is through Cityfibre, sold as Vodafone "Gigafast" packages where I live. As with other ISPs they give you their own internet router. If you would like to use your own, here's how. `TLDR; Obtain PPPoE credentials specific to your account from Vodafone, then use them to configure your router, you need to tag all your packets with VLAN 911.` 1. Obtain PPPoE credentials from Vodafone. You can do so by using the chat feature on their website. Here's an example chat transcript pasted here for your enjoyment and pleasure ``` Tobi : I’m TOBi - Vodafone’s chatbot Ask me anything, I’m here to help. You : hi, I would like to swap the provider router for the own router, could you share the PPPoE credentials I would need to use ? thank you Tobi : Please try asking your question again using fewer words, making sure you only ask one question at a time. You’ll be able to ask other questions later if you need to. You : ppoe credentials Tobi : TOBi is thinking... TOBi : Sorry, I didn't understand the question. Can you please try rephrasing? You : own router ppoe credentials TOBi : Sorry, I didn't understand the question. Can you please try rephrasing? You : can I speak to a human please ? TOBi : Could you tell me your full name please? You : xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx TOBi : Could you please tell me your phone number? You : xxxxxxxxxxx TOBi : Please tell me what type of account you have with us: TOBi : Pay Monthly Pay As You Go Small Business Broadband You : Broadband Pragya : Hi , you're now connected to Broadband chat support. Please give me 1-2 minutes as I quickly go through your conversation so that you don't have to repeat yourself. You : Hi, perfect, thank you :) Pragya : Cyryl , Thank you for waiting Pragya : As per the pre chat , I understand that you wish to have PPOE details , right , Cyryl ? You : that's correct, I'm trying to establish connection using own hardware Pragya : Cyryl , Thank you lets do a quick security check , Please share your broadband account number or home phone number once so I can locate your account and proceed further. You : account number xxxxxxxxxx Pragya : Thank you very much Pragya : I have your account ready. Let's complete a quick security check so that I can try to resolve this for you. Pragya : Confirm the 2nd and 3rd digit of the security PIn ? You : xxxxxxx Pragya : Thank you let me verify it Pragya : Brilliant that matches the record Pragya : Would you mind being online for few minutes, while I am checking the details ? You : no problem, thank you Pragya : Thank you , Moving away from the chat window or not responding for 8 mins may result in losing the chat. If it does, here's a link to get back to us faster than usual: https://www.vodafone.co.uk/bbservcd Pragya : Thank you for waiting Pragya : Here is the username - dsl123456789@broadband.vodafone.co.uk Pragya : Password is - XXXXXXXX ``` 2. armed with that knowledge you can configure your router, I'm gonna give an example of configuring an OpenWRT router via their GUI interface LuCI * backup your settings * -> Network->Interfaces * note down the physical interface of current WAN interface - (`WAN`->Edit->Physical Settings), e.g. `eth2` * remove existing `WAN` interface, press `save and apply` * add a new PPPoE interface: * Name: `WAN` * Protocol: `PPPoE` * interface - type in the `custom` field - name of your physical interface followed by a dot and `911` indicating the VLAN number to tag packets with - e.g. `eth2.911` * -> create interface * PAP/CHAP username: [username from Vodafone] * PAP/CHAP password: [password form Vodafone] * -> Firewall settings * Create / Assign firewall-zone: `WAN` * -> save * -> save and apply * wait around a minute for the router to connect